Yogakshemam 08-03-2020

Krsna’s Krsna is facilitating learning. Siva’s Siva is facilitating unlearning, learning and re-learning. Bharathi is challenging us to learn on our own. N is helping us to build our own unlearning-learning ecosystem. U’s flute is being played by N. Shakti takes charge. Mother takes charge. Krsna’s Krsna, Siva’s Siva, Srasta’s Srasta take charge. Universe rejoices. N dances. With joy from deep within.

These 40 days reconfirm HFPL+7R: Non-negotiable values – Hope, Faith, Promise, Love; and 7R – Read, Write, Arithmetic (3R), Reflect, unleaRn-leaRn, pRactice, puRsue, for the leader. Woman is best endowed with these. She should lead us to a better N, better U. She epitomises Hope in the children. She demonstrates Faith that they have within them. She Promises to be there forever with the child. Her Love is the best. She gives. She cares. She earns and gives. She learns and teaches. She challenges. She mentors. She offers the incentive. She punishes. Her Love has no parallel. She works with both brains, justify and right. Language, Logic. Numbers. She demonstrates EQ and she has the innate IQ. She is in Reflection mode. She is a faster Unlearner and learner. She does not give up. She Practices and She Pursues relentlessly. For her N matters. For her N in U matters. She is the Adiguru. She is the God. Siva is hers. Krsna is hers. Srasta is hers. She is acting through them.

A School of Leadership

Akshara is in the mind may be in 1987. It took 12 years to bring it into a reality, as a network for development support. 2 October 1998. Some 7 people came together to sign a memorandum, and articles of association. A ‘Rama’ was needed to initiate the work in some time. Volunteer, Slow-part timers did some early work. Significant in terms of foundation. After another 5-6 years, full-timers have come in. Several initiatives. A ‘Nirmala’ was required to go into ‘livelihoods’ today and tomorrow whole hog. Some volunteer to try a livelihoods volunteer force, Aksharasakthi. A no cash entity. A ‘Krisnagopal’ and ‘Bhargava’ to go into Akshara Livelihoods. A ‘Vijayabhasker’ to try Gurukulam. A ‘Murali’ to try Kshetra. A ‘Kishore’ and ‘Mahidhar’ to add 7L Coexistence. A ‘Saraswathi’ to try Ikya. Akshara slowly became a school that lets the leaders pass through with ‘leadership’ ‘certification’. At least one a year. Narsi, Ashok, Anil, Raja, Nirmala, Mrudula, Krishnagoapl, Satyadev, Madhumurthy, Ashish Gupta, Usha, Vijayaswitha, Vijaybhasker, Rekha, Jayashree, Rani, Kishore, Bhargava, Visu, Madhu, Prakash et al. They are demonstrating outstanding authentic responsible servant leadership coupled with management professionalism, with spirituality of a kind. Akshara facilitated 800+ rural development management servant leaders to emerge.

This school is unique. Works with individuals. Labelled as Associates. Considered as Lifeworkers.With understanding and experiencing Poverty-Vulnerability-Marginalization as closely as possible. Field is their kshetra. Works in dynamic groups. Gets attached to these leaders deeply. A long-lasting association. Joyous. Learning. They live and practice the values – 10,000 hours. They write diary. They plan and write. They read and articulate. They are self-aware and they manage themselves well. They have a VISION of their own and they go towards it. They remain current. For them, security is not an issue. But, sustainability and legacy matters to them. Simplicity, aarjava matters. They are aware, when crunch comes – air, water, food … matters, nothing else.

They graduate through Participation, Inclusion, Collectivization and Communitization efforts, experiments and experiences. They internalize 3 Fs – Fish, Fishing and Meta-fishing. They realize what needs to be learnt on their own and learn. Yet theywould not fall into false confidence. They go through 6 steps slowly – for identity, solidarity, capacity, rights-entitlements, wellbeing and freedom-choices. The leaders gradually play four roles combined – servant leader, management worker, social entrepreneur (or an intrapreneur) and gradually a mentor. To become employers. To support providing, and/or augmenting employment to PVM families.

They remain Akshara’s associates for life. They remain unlearning learners. They remain simplifying simple livers. They remain time-investors in people. They live close to nature. They lead natural life, natural living, natural livelihoods, and natural linkages and relationships. They love. They love VUCA U. They love VUCA N. They journey the VUCA world together. They flow together. They are friends for life. They become a family. They become a family in the U family. They adopt geographies. They adopt themes. They adopt enterprises and efforts. They adopt younger leaders. They mentor. They help mentors to do better. They add model foundations. They add credible consulting groups.

They lead me.

They lead us and ourselves to be at it, nurturing leaders – loving servant leaders-management workers-social entrepreneurs-caring mentors for our Universe.
Join us inthe world of yoga –aashrama yoga for 7L. 100+ million hours are coming our way to be with us.