Yogakshemam 30042020

May Day!





Laughter! Aesthetics! Athletics!

Asthma! Thalassemia! Nurses! Tobacco! Hyper Tension!

Red Cross! Anti-Terrorism!

Telecom! Armed Forces! Fire!

Mother! Family!


Biological Diversity! Endangered Species! Museum!


Milk | Parents | Cycle| Environment | Food Safety | Brain Tumour | Oceans | Child Labour | Refugees | Blood Donation | Wind | Desertification | Music | Hydrography | Yoga | Father | Olympics | Asteroid | Public Service | Drugs | Widow


Some light … world is opening up from lockdown, slowly; pandemic is slowing down, at least for a while; vaccine trials are in the horizon; some treatment-therapy protocols are emerging. We need to continue to practice ‘distance’ and ‘washing hands with soap’. We need to get going. Mentally. Emotionally. Physically. Spiritually. Let the human spirit prevail. Let us live, let the life live.

50 years of Earth Day. Nature is reclaiming her space, taking advantage of lockdown. Skies are bluer. Air is cleaner. Rivers are fresher, with life. Wildlife is venturing out. Nature is rejoicing. We want this to continue after lockdowns end. We should do something right for this. May be public transport, for example. May be local economies. May be Collectiviztion and Communitization. May be shorter value-chains. May be taxation in favour of these. May be climate change resilience. May be living with, in nature. Natural Living. Natural Farming. PVM-LPRD Services. Health. Education. Democracy. Leadership-Management-Entrepreneurship- Mentoring-Technology. May be a portfolio with all of them. Quickly. All of us.


Let us get a deep immersion. Let us get a rigorous induction. Let us go through a visioning – appreciate current reality and  behind the current reality.  Let us hear, see, feel experience truth, light and life. Universe, World, Nature. Its ways, diversity, and variety. In situ. Let us go around. Yatra. Shodh Yatra. Life Journey. Livelihoods Journey. Leadership Journey. Learning Journey. A million km. Many modes. Including walking, cycling – 10000 km, 1000 days, 12 hours a day. Spontaneous movement, going by the ear, eye, nose. A significant cross section, sample of people, locations, macro-micro. Individually and collectively. Let us assess ourselves. Our progress. Our self-reliance. Our needs, limitations, perspectives, philosophies, resources, and aspirations. Our institutions. Our democracy. Let us dig deep inside. Reflect. Our imperatives. Our human and life purposes. Our Ikigai. Our stories. Our failed efforts. Our little successes. Our hope. Our Faith. Reasons for these. Our strengths, abilities; our weaknesses, frailties; our ladders, straws, opportunities, fiends; our snakes, threats, risks/challenges, enemies. Let us take a look at what can go wrong. Let us knit a road map. Blocks forward. Lines forward. Strategies. Partnerships. Networks. Technologies. Linkages. Platforms. Institutions. Enterprises. Forums. Resources. Movements. Influencers. Let us articulate assumptions, plans, steps. Activities. Milestones. Timelines. Responsibilities. Costs. Let us define pathways. Let us plan for building our capacity. Let us plan to overcome our lack of capacity. Let us define Results. Impacts, outcomes, outputs. Let us figure out inputs. Team. Let us argue our logic. Let us talk our theories of change. Long term. 10-20 years. Short term. 3-5 years. Immediate term. 6 months – 18 months.

Let us be clear: When the crunch comes, what matters most is life – air, water, food-nutrition, shelter, entertainment and relationships. Business as usual does not happen, does not work. New normal has to emerge. New paradigm, in sync with nature. Beginning with the schooling. Beginning with ‘1000 days’. We go frugal and basic. More equitable. Lower Collar differences. Higher Minimum wages, Lower Maximum wages. 

Let us also be clear: We increase our work away from office, rather than from home. 50:50. We go electronic significantly. Work from anywhere. No single core location. Bandwidth to increase. Longing for 2 days of catching up increases. These 2 days can be long. We cannot forget that we are social beings. Limited space, and/or no private space at home could trouble many of us. For LPRD worker, this can translate as being in the field but connected. Work discipline for working from anywhere need to evolve. Practicing the discipline has to be learnt. We need to learn – balancing the ‘paid’ and ‘unpaid’ works. We need to remember that the ‘paid’ work pays for ‘unpaid’ work too. It deserves its due fully, or a little more. Also, it pays to have more space closer to nature.

Let us be absolutely clear: Children own the future. We are just the trustees and we need to handover this world to them in a better shape. We need to demarginalize and care the PVM.

There is no other way: Let the arrogance go. Let the egos go. Let us surrender. To her, nature with a capital N. Let her take charge and make us flow in her. N shows the way, within us. Let us unlearn, learn and remain useful. Till the end.

Let N’s Will and Genius keep us there. Let us co-exist. In N. Reflecting, unlearning, practicing and pursuing.

Join us in the world of yoga (atma yoga) – neelayoga for 7L. Krsna confirms One in N is ‘him’.