Go Local, Home Rule

Yogakshemam 05.10.2020

Chanced upon ‘Hind Swaraj, India Home Rule’. Written in 1908. Revised and published again in 1938. After 80 years, its rationale and arguments appear fresh. It is providing inputs for exploring to evolve a robust India Plan. Or a Planet Plan?

India Home Rule, based on the principles of Truth and Non-violence, teaches the gospel of love in place of that of hate. It replaces violence with self-sacrifice. It pits soul force against brute force. It requires a higher simplicity and renunciation than the people are today prepared for. It argues for expressing people’s will at large, for fostering their sentiments and addressing the defects that come to light.

There are crises and there is discontent and unrest. We have to act on this.

Why do some people want more fee than common labourers? Why are their requirements greater? In what way are they more profitable to the country than the labourers? Are those who do good entitled to greater payment? All our professions are for the purpose of serving humanity. Our happiness was largely a mental condition. Our real happiness and health consisted in proper use of our hands and feet. Note that most people lived independently.

To understand ourselves, all of us need to live in the remote villages for at least six months. The force of love is the same as the force of the soul or truth. The universe would disappear without the existence of that force. In spite of the wars of the world, it still lives on. Most of us depend for our existence on a very active working of this force. Little quarrels of millions of families in their daily lives disappear before the exercise of this force. Hundreds of nations live in peace. Soul-force, being natural, is not noted in history.

Sacrifice of self is infinitely superior to sacrifice of others. The people disregard those laws that they do not like and suffer the penalties for their breach. All reforms owe their origin to the initiation of minorities in opposition to majorities. A man devoid of courage and manhood can never be a resister. Even a man weak in body is capable of offering this resistance. One man can offer it just as well as millions. Both men and women can indulge in it. Control over the mind is alone necessary. We, teeming millions use soul-force. We disregard unjust commands. We cease to co-operate with our rulers when they displease us.

The mind is weak in a pampered weak body. Soul is weak in a weak mind. We need to improve our physique by getting rid of luxurious living. We need to observe chastity, adopt minimal need life, follow truth, and cultivate fearlessness. Otherwise we lose stamina, become emasculated and cowardly. We need to learn and get educated so that our body listens to our will and does its biding with ease and pleasure. Our intellect is clear and logical. Our mind accesses the fundamental truths of nature. Our conscience is tender. We live in harmony with nature and life, all life.

Our education has to be character building, offering living and leadership skills. Languages. Numbers. Logic. Ethics. Habits. Love and care. Dignity of all life. Gender. Localization. Swadeshi. Nothing that takes away local livelihoods. Natural, evolving ways. Managing with local. Supporting local enterprises. More of them. In sync with nature. Serving others. Staying rural. Making living community better, more self-contained, and happier human existence. Self-rule. Self-control. Soul-force or love-force.

Let us go Local now. For 7L. Invest in life, living, livelihoods, leadership, learning and love for local.

Join us in the world of yoga of leading local coexistence – sthaanikyoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar