Crunch Time

Yogakshemam 12102020

Bihar Elections. Ram Vilas Paswan, 74, rests. Chirag takes charge of Lok Jansakthi. Test is on.
Rekha turns 66. Amitabh Bachchan turns 78.e
H2H Talks continue and reach the penultimate session. With Sriram. One more session for the season to end on 18 October. Time to get cracking on Conversations with Masters of Development Practice.
Nobel Prizes for the year have been announced:
Physiology or Medicine: Harvey J Alter, Charles Rice, Michael Houghton – discovery of Hepatitis C virus;
Physics: Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, Andrea Ghez – black hole discovery;
Chemistry: Emmanuelle Charpentier, Jennifer Doudna – genome editing;
Literature: Louise Gluck – Poetry;
Peace: World Food Programme (UN Agency) – efforts to combat hunger and improve conditions for peace in areas affected by conflict; and
Economic SciencesPaul R Milgrom, Robert B Wilson – improving commercial auction and inventing new auction formats, for goods and services that are difficult to sell in a traditional way, such as radio frequencies.
At least three alternative Nobel Prizes exist. This year they went to –
Tyler Prize – Environment – Gretchen C. Daily, Pavan Sukhdev – illuminating and quantifying the economic value of our natural environment;
Abel Prize – Mathematic – Hillel Furstenberg, Gregory Margulis – pioneering the use of methods from probability and dynamics in group theory, number theory and combinatorics;
Right Livelihood Award – Nasrin Sotoudeh – promoting political freedoms and human rights in Iran; Bryan Stevenson – reforming US Criminal justice system and advance racial reconciliation in the face of historic trauma; Lotte Cunningham Wren – protection of indigenous lands and communities; and Ales Bialiatski and Human Right Cnetre ‘Viasna’ – Struggle for the realization if democracy and human rights in Belarus.
When the crunch comes, what matters is air, water, food (-nutrition-health-immunity), clothing, shelter, engagement and relationship. All else are dispensable and artificial. Therefore, they are the source of deception. Self-deception. Deception of the Universe. They cause inequity and suffering.
I was told some 7500 disaster events have hit us (planet) in the last 20 years affecting some 4 billion people, and taking 1.23 million lives. 3 Trillion USD have been lost. 2004 Tsunami being the largest disaster we have seen in this period. More than 80% of them are climate-related. These include droughts, heatwaves, floods, winter storms, hurricanes, wild fires etc. CovID 19 confirms that we are not ready to prevent, appreciate, react, cope, minimize loss and recover. Therefore, we need to act quickly. The crunch time is on us. The window is narrow. The work has to be on scale. Systemic and systematic.
Let us go forward on the cycles of production and consumption. Shorter Local Value-chains first. For self, for family, for group, for village, for a local area. Internal-Community value-chains. Linking with local consumers. In the local shop. Local Shandy. Local town market. Consumer groups. Local hotel. Local value-addition, storage, delivery and consumption. Local value-chains. Then let us look at district-regional-state-national markets and beyond. Brand, yes, a la AMUL. Digital, yes, may be hybrid. Aggregation, yes. Quality Control, yes. Tracking, yes. Value-chain ownership, yes, with producers, value-adders. Equitable ownership. Price, yes, fair.
Let us have enterprises/companies with shares for all 100+ million producers, workers, value-adders. Can we be trustees to such enterprises? Soon.
Let us be simple as a habit. Let us plan being simple. Let us plan basics for all. Let us be useful and coexist. For 7L.
Join us in the world of yoga of harnessing basic and simple life with equity for being leading simple useful local coexistence – saralasaarthakyoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar