Nature and Universe

Yogakshemam 16102020

In Telangana, the Navaratri is referred as Batukamma. The mother of life. The goddess of life. The festival of flowers, fruits and vegetation. The zero day is no moon day. The day of nijaroopam. Let us open up and see true self clearly and work on the self, starting with Navaratri. No Anger; No judgments; No grudges; Forgive; Accept; Love; No jealousy-no guilt; no fear; gratitude for all one has; Share the abundance.
Coming across Ajay Vir Jakhar, a farmer from Punjab. President of Bharat Krishak Samaj. To be watched, NF Champion in the making.
Foresight Experts Virtual Workshop on 15 October is working on the experts group becoming a team to work next 6-9 months forward. Scenario happens because we work as we go in the journey towards the scenario, say in 2050. Many actions on the way. Many of them could be deliberate. Many others can be responding to others’ actions. Journey dynamics cannot be ignored. Projections cannot be linear. We need to consider ‘limits’ too. Local consumption, nutrition need to be factored in. Growth too. The triggers for transition too. The quality of the produce can also give higher prices. Can we measure per unit land productivity, over a year, rather than a crop, season etc.? bio-mass, income etc. Can we also look at per unit of labour? Can we see saturated, landscape situations? Commons? What about animals? Can we look at larger land units (say habitation, watershed…)? How do we have right data? Can we compare with right parameters (say costs without subsidies)? Family economics do matter. Any historical experience learnings that need to be considered? From SERP, CMSA, MKSP etc.
The progression: Framework of Foresight, 2-3 Competing Scenarios – Vison of NF Steady State; Business As Usual; and may be a Hybrid; Building these scenarios (using Foresight, Agribiom tools); Sensitivity Analyses; Recommendations and insights for way forward, policy et al. This may take some 6-9 months. I keep getting back on this, as we progress.
Mental stunting. It struck me. 150 million under the age of five (10%+) suffer from stunting in the world. This is from not having right nutrition in the first 1000 days. This impairs their mental and physical development. They are less immune. They are less likely to achieve their cognitive potential. They are likely to be poor. NF can play a role, here.
Remembered APJ Abdul Kalaam, 89 (b 15 October), People’s President. Bharat Ratna. Missile man. Developed Kalam-Raju stent; Kalm-Raju tablet for healthcare. He lived simple. He was a late nighter. His possessions included books, veena, CD player, laptop etc. He was spiritual to the core as described in ‘Transcendence: My Spiritual Experiences with Pramukh Swmi’. Kalam said – No manoeuvres are required any more, as I am placed in my final position in eternity. He concluded: developing spirituality in India is a way forward for India. Open source technologies and free software are the ways ahead. He interacted with thousands of students and inspired them towards developed India.
Kalam’s Books inspire. These include: Wings of Fire; Ignited Mind; The Luminous Sparks; Turning Points: A journey through challenges; A Manifesto for Change; Advantage India: From Challenge to Opportunity. These books would feed India Plan Forward.
Lead India Foundation has come into being with his inspiration.
UN has declared 15 October as World Students’ Day, appreciating Kalam as a dedicated teacher, teacher first. Students need a vision for life, with fundamentals of values which they need to practice in life. Teacher(s) has a role, here. This year, the theme is “learning for people, planet, prosperity, and peace”. Let us do that. Let us teach that to our young students.
World Food Day. FAO foundation day. 2020 Theme is “Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together. Our actions are our future.” Natural Framing examples are celebrated. World Food Program received Nobel Peace Prize 2020. Let us move from Food Security to Nutrition-Health-Immunity Security. Let us go Natural. Let us go Local.
Poverty Eradication Day. This year we realize that poverty has reached crisis proportions in the South. We see growing inequities. We see less relevance of GDPs. We need to go towards Happiness. We need to go for essentials, all of us. We need to rework on the ‘markets’. We need to increase the proportion of consumer rupee of all small producers and service providers. We need more micro-nano-pico enterprises. We need direct producer-consumer linkages. We need to abandon non-essentials. We need to have limits to minimum wage vs maximum wage. We need universal basic incomes. We need care for 1000-days to 18 years including free education and primary healthcare, and the eldercare. We need them yesterday. And we may not tolerate absence and delays.
Time is now. Let us have minimum needs and let them be ‘there’. When we save our essentials, we come out of poverty, vulnerability and marginalization. Air, Water, Food-Nutrition-Health-Immunity, Clothing, Shelter, Engagement-Entertainment. Let us spend less time, energy, money. Let us invest in relationships, not goods and materials.
The need to work with individuals, collectives, support organizations, networks, programs, missions, movements is acute now. 7L Coexistence is gearing up to pool up lifeworkers, associates, professionals, interns-fellows, volunteers, and resource persons and partners, partner organizations and meet this acute need in India and outside. Soon enough.
Life N, non-life N coexist. They interact in their own ways. It is not easy to distinguish. Some are visible and some are not. Some are on the surfaces. Some are inside. Human influence is far larger than their share. In any case, nature heals all life. It heals itself in its own way.
Let Bihar choose poverty reducers. Let Bihar choose community developers. Let Bihar choose N’s friends.
Let us be with N. Let us live in N. Let us celebrate life with N and in N. Let us ‘sense’ N. Let N lead us and let us become N. Let us spend our 10,000 hours into becoming N, with the dedication, discipline and practice of Sobha Naidu to Kuchipudi. Let us get N followers to carry this N legacy. Otherwise, N goes on without us.
N reminds us to ‘behave’. Today has been one such day. I guess we will not forget this as time passes.
Realize there is a play between Life and Non-life. Life and life. N and N. N and U.
Sakthi-Siva. Radha-Krsna. Parvati-parameswarauh. Parvatipa-rameswarauh. Sitarama. Rukminikrsna. Krsna-Krsna. Bharathi-Brahma. Prayaag. Nadee-saagar. There is a woman in a man and a man in a woman. If we relate properly, there is magic there. Humankind would be blessed. Life would be blessed. N would be happy. U would be happy.
Can we see N and U together? Can we go with N, be with N, sense N and see N and U?
Let us coexist locally with and in the nature. Being useful to N and U. For 7L.
Join us in the world of yoga of coexistence in N, of N and U – atmaikyayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar