Becoming Conscious

Yogakshemam 20102020

Lockdown ends. Now it is between us and the CoVID. Continue with Masks, Handwashing and Safe Distance.
Rains and floods.
Pollution. Winter Pollution.
Swadhyay is about individual transformation. How to Practice Swadhyay? Of the self, through the self, to the self. For the union of mind, thoughts, heart, feelings, emotions, body, sensations and spirit. This happens when we go inward. When we know the innermost. Through awareness, knowledge, reflection, examination. Drawing the best that is within. Realizing the innate potential within. Reading the inner book. Writing it. Revisiting it. Metacognition. Thinking about thinking. Thoughts. Thought processes. The practice activates brain circuits that create emotional resilience and well-being. When this happens we experience an increase in creativity and inspiration and we’re able to connect more intensely to our higher mind and higher self. Every moment offers us an opportunity to observe and reflect on our own minds. We need to focus. Focus our attention. Observe, listen, read, feel, touch, smell… Analyse the information. Integrate. Reflect. Apply. Focus first on the small s – mind, ego, body, relationships, thoughts, beliefs, attitude. Then focus on the large S – beyond the small s, the innermost. Keep reflecting on ‘who am I’. As physicists discover – universe is impulses of energy and information, we may discover that we are one with all. Universe of consciousness. We may discover that we are the universe. And universe is us.
This includes all of us, with all hues. Cultures, traditions, practices, dimensions.
Then let us be truthful, pleasing and beneficial. Let us follow dharma. Let us invest in relating to all life. Let us invest in relationships. Let us invest in life. Let us celebrate life. Let us study and teach others to study deep within. Let us be in N, studying and teaching.
This is coexistence. Local coexistence. Universal coexistence. Integrated life, living, leadership, love. Learning, teaching and being useful. For 7L.
Join us in the world of yoga of local coexistence, learning and teaching one another – adhyayanavahiniyoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar