
Yogakshemam 25102020

Vijayadasami. Dussehra. Asoka Vijayadasami. Ambedkar Vijayadasami.
Let us graduate to end, remove, defeat the ten internal enemies – Ahankara, Amanavta, Anyaaya, Kama (Lust), Krodha, Lobha, Mada, Matsara, Moha, Swartha. Let us win usefulness, freedom, knowledge-wisdom, meta, insights, foresight, integrity, justice, compassion, kindness, love, trust, servant leadership, life, gratitude.
Can we live with less number of things? Can we live of the less? Can we value the life experience, life journey more? With relationships in tact? Less with material(s)? Can we stop gathering things? Can we get rid of the things we do not need? Can we get rid of the memories that have no value, except memory space? Can we start living with less time for assets, materials, goods and properties? Can we have more time living, leading and serving life? Can we live in the present? Can we obviate the need for remembering so much of the past? Can we be living truthfully? Can we obviate the burden of painfully remembering ‘untruths’? Can we accept the losses and get going without worrying about it? Can we be grateful for their time with us? Can we celebrate their intimacy so long, so far? Can we be strong to internalize them into us and get going? Can we flow simply? Can we be clutter free in the house, in the mind, in the heart? Can we be on top of the chaos? Can we be free? Can we be Nara? Can we be Naaraayana? Can we be Sri? Yes.
When death comes calling, can we remain always ready? Can we embrace it happily, with satisfaction? Can we hurry up slowly to live life rather than to be restless at the moment? Can we devote most of our time now with the nature and universe? For living, relating, leading, learning, loving. We need to be celebrating life. More often. Most of the time. We need life air, water, food-nutrition-health, mat-bed-shelter, relationships-engagement-entertainment.
We are here to have maximum life, living, leading, relating.
35 years of development journey. Initially in preparation, wandering around. Then, with co-learners and learning facilitators. In the value-chains of the farmers – dairy, oilseeds-oils et al. In the policy analysis. With the tribal communities. With commons and collectives. With participation, inclusion, sustainability across the contexts. On the payback. With collectivizing women for self-help. 15 million, across telugu states. More states. Nationally. 70 million women in multiple tiers. Layering interventions on collective foundations. Communitization. With farmers towards natural farming. In AP. In India and outside.
Reflecting the life lived and the journey after joining the development flow(s). Over a year intensely. More years, may be less intensely.
Big gamechanger for the poor, vulnerable and marginalized – free care and education till the age of 18 years. Food, nutrition, health, education, exposure, exploration. We need to bring them to be – entrepreneurial, self-employed, managing enterprises, and intrapreneurial. We need to retain their leadership ability. They need to be proactive leaders.
Other thing that is keeping us in the PVM is the health. Free healthcare, eldercare, women care.
90% of the PVM are the challenged groups-communities: farmers, farm workers; weavers, crafts persons; tribal communities; commons-dependent communities – coast, tanks, rivers, forests etc.; socially descriminated; differently-abled; disappearing traditional occupational groups; child labour, returned migrants, not able to return migrants; elders; education funnel early drop-outs; not-able-to-get-into emerging opportunities et al. We need to work with them and instil the four values with their institutions, animators and facilitators – hope, faith, promise and love. We need to localize, collectivize and communitize. Value-chains need to be short. Only the surpluses need to go out
Centres of socio-cultural-economic action with access to all in every community help.
Together, we need to take charge of our engagement, livelihoods, living, lives and destinies. With choice. With dignity. With joy. We become the community of practitioners of ‘life’. We coexist usefully. In the lap of N. Caressed by N. Tending N. For 7L.
Join us in the world of yoga of thoughtfully engaged in useful local coexistence – jivayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar