Yogakshemam 16112020 : Truth and Tolerance

Truth and Tolerance

290-217. Trump is yet to concede. Nitish takes oath as CM again.

Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Polls notified. 1 December, Polling. 4 December, Results. Code starts with immediate effect.

Epilepsy. Let us be kind and support the people with epilepsy. The reason is excessive neuronal activity in the cortex.

Most of the epileptic seizures happen without warning and involve loss of consciousness. With or without triggers. Low carbon diet has positive effect.

MBV Prasad says inactivity is fine sometimes, even in the matters of ill-health. It meant ‘no treatment or intervention’. Majority of the ailments required some comforting medication.

While the world seeks more trees, five-layers, can we have intentional fires?

FCRA Rules of 10 November 2020 are troubling the FCRA-dependent civil society in a big way. Killer clauses include no subgrants, administrative overheads and HR costs limited to 20%. Administrative costs: all expenses towards hiring of personnel for management of the activities and salaries, wages or any kind of remuneration paid, including cost of travel, to such personnel. Salaries or remuneration of personnel engaged in training or for collection or analysis of field data of an association primarily engaged in research or training shall not be counted towards administrative expenses. The expenses incurred directly in furtherance of the stated objectives of the welfare oriented organisations shall be excluded from the administrative expenses such as salaries to doctors of hospital, salaries to teachers of school etc. Do they include consultants, resource persons, volunteers, cadres? May not be.

Instalment releases subject to 75% utilization proof of the previous instalment(s) and field inquiry is almost saying nothing with a plan can be taken up. If application of renewal is not made by expiry date, the funds cannot be used by the organization till the renewal or re-registration. The delay may mean starving without funds for the period without renewal. The rules also seek information of change of one or more key members and the effectiveness is only after Ministry’s approval. The Act also seeks the Aadhar number and identification documents for all the office bearers, directors, or other key functionaries.

One-by-one, we are losing the truth authorities. Revelations have lost. Holy Books. Prize winners. People in high positions. In power, in knowledge, in wealth, in spirituality etc. Mass Media. Books.

What is the way? Can we go only by the rumours, gossip, stories, messages? Can we only trust our own intuitive feelings? How do we know Truth? How do we know facts? How do we know integrity? How do we know rational logic? How do we remain rational and logical? Who will teach us? Can we learn on our own? May be 10,000 hours will help us, if we invest into this.

Tolerance. It includes accepting facts as facts and people can have differing opinions. The problem is how we figure out the fact from the opinion. It does not include moral imperative behaviour – not to kill, steal, deceive, lie etc. Tolerance includes: patience toward a practice or opinion we disagree with; reality is beyond opinion and violation of universal non-negotiables is not tolerated; debate; freedom, free exchange of ideas and self-determination; respect to all, with differing opinions, practices, etc.; engagement to know the truth; consistency; culture of dialogue; grace to respect the context.

Let us seek harmony in difference. Cultural diversity. Human diversity. Faith diversity. Let us give this right to others and seek this from others for us. Let us uphold the rule of law and social justice to the poor, vulnerable and marginalized.

Let us be open and receptive. Let us suspend judgment if that helps. Let us be curious, instead. Let us be rational with facts and evidence, not otherwise.

Here again, being kind helps. Being lovingly kind. Being kind is a way to seek grace, ‘kripa’. By surrendering to the will of N and U, with kindness to all ‘life’, ‘alife’ ‘non-life’, with clear hope, firm faith, resolute promise, and forever love. Let us not forget to be kind to ourselves.

Therefore, let us seek the instruments of truth, integrity and logic. Let us seek curiosity. Let us know the ways of Nature, Universe. Let us know the ways of life, living, leading, learning and loving. Let us know we are here with a limited time and a set of purposes. Let us know the death is inevitable. Only the triggers vary.

Let us seek tolerance. Let us be kind. Lovingly kind. Let us be giving. Let us be flowing. Because we are In N. With N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of truth and tolerance, tolerating diversity in relationships, life and ways of living, leading, learning and loving for co-usefulness together in situ – nijakripayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar