Yogakshemam 070121: Krishi Continuums

Krishi Continuums

IRMA is planning for Dr Kurien’s Centenary Events.

New Director, Umakant Dash, to join in February. This time, it is a PhD for sure. Economist from IIT Kanpur. Working in IIT Madras. Appears to be brought in for long-innings. We are with you, IRMA, with our two cents, as always. Call is yours.

IRM-AP: our 2-cents are still on offer.

Business World features Angshu Mallikm a 85-87 IRMAN. Amul man. Dhara Operational Head. Fortune Lead.

Trump finally concedes, after all the tantrums. Can we learn to lose and accept? Argument, match, job, credit, election, point. Can we learn to concede gracefully? Can we learn to be happy with whatever we have? Can we stop having fits to have more, by hook or crook? Can we get going? Into the flow.

Elon Musk is the new richest of the planet.

Strain 2, Herd Immunity, Vaccines – we get going. Bird flu too entered.

AP is going for Panchayat Elections. Schedule is ‘out’.

Farmers’ protests persist. Government is not blinking. Can Supreme Court come to rescue?

Let us appreciate we are enterprising entrepreneurs. Our farmers are entrepreneurs. The scale may be small, tiny. Yet they are entrepreneurs. They take risks. They pursue with limited resources. Relentlessly. In their own way, against odds.

Indian farming is in continuums. From barren, commercial, subsistence, integrated, natural regenerative, landscape…… Own land farming. Lease-out, lease-in. Share cropping. Conditional. Day labour, piece-meal, task-based labour. For cash, for kind, for drink. Irrigated – flood, controlled; dry. Monocrops, multiple crops, year round crops, multi-layer crops. Cash and non-cash. Horticulture is growing. Niche markets emerging. Agri-allied is picking up momentum. Dairying and livestock are not less profitable. Consumption patterns are changing. Consumers’ demands are changing.

Some pre-sell, some sell on the land, work as bonded labour in their own lands, some sell at farm gate, some take to mandi, some give in the house of final buyer, some give it to a trader, some throw on the road and return, some give at factory gate, some store and sell later, some pool up others produce too, some add value-locally, and some brand and sell. Some e-sell. Some are insured. Some are not. For some crops. Government insures from some. Some grants from Government per person/family, per acre. For poor, for all. For land owners, for tenants too. Interest subvention. No interest. Huge interest, compounded. Minimum support prices for some crop. Purchases can be at lower prices. No ground logistics, infra. May be no plans, no readiness. Some linked to PDS. Some in theory.

Collectives emerging. Not effective. May not handle multiple crops. Some are called FPOs and some are not. Investments of a decade or so are not happening. Mandates, Investments a la Dairy Board are missing. Dairy is an exception. E-markets, platforms are offering promise. Promises have to be realized. Value-chain ownership has to be established for producers, or for service providers, or consumers, distributed all over.

Without solidarity, capacity, entitlements and ownership fixed, will the farmers and their collectives access the ‘highways’ announced in the farm bills? Should not we have to work on this, before we flag off the highways? Informal systems, methods – will they wither away?

Do not we need to rationalize income tax exemption to farm income? Large incomes cannot go tax free.

Meditation benefits. All of us. In our health, wellbeing, growth and performance. Let us meditate. Let us do it as a habit, like the food, sleep. Then it becomes foundation for all other concomitant results. Let us add reflection to it as a habit. Let us add reading, writing. Let us add being in the sun for a few minutes. Let us add watching ‘nature’, ‘life’, ‘art’. Listening ‘music’. Let us add doing some number work. Some crosswords. Some intense interactions. Blog, Vlog. Class, Conversation, Note. Using a planner-organizer. Taking notes. Keep experimenting. Keep re-visualizing and articulating as we receive more understanding, more facts, even if it means 180 degrees turn. Getting detached from our assumptions, conditioning, fears, failures and successes now. Letting them go. Coping with inconsistencies that arise as a result. Being with N as much as possible, as a habit. Let us start small. Let us keep committing. Let us not accept zero. With no expectations, with joy of practice, pursuit, doing. Let us bear with this how-much-ever frustrating it may be. Catching hold of fellow-flow-travellers helps.

Let us do yoga of namaskar. Let us bow to all life. Because it is life. No judgments based on the past. We transform into the state of giving. All life around conspires to ‘cooperate’. Let us shake hands. Let us bond, band, coexist. Let us sync in harmony. Let us energize. Let us pool up. Let us complement. Let us keep flowing. Local useful coexistence, in N, with N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of local useful coexistence for Krishi – namaskarayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar