Yogakshemam 200121: Being in Sync

Being in Sync

Sun starts ‘moving’ North. We remove the clutter. We become less in ‘possessions’. We celebrate harvest. We celebrate life and coexistence. With Nature, with Life. Human Life, all life. Sun, Soil, Microbes, Plants, Livestock.

Debi Prasad Mishra joins DMI as its director.

Joe Biden is POTUS now with Kamala Harris as V-POTUS. A 22-year young poet Amanda recites – .. if we merge mercy with might, and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change our children’s birth right. So let us leave behind a country better than the one we were left with….. We will rebuild, reconcile and recover and every known nook, every corner. …. The new dawn blooms as we free it, for there is always light, if only we are brave enough to see it, if only we re brave enough to be it.

Eat to taste. Eat to Health. Eat Hybrid.

Local Body Elections in AP are going through see-saw battle. Let us see how it ends.

Government of AP begins to say ‘go all over’ with Natural Farming, after the Eluru incident. GoI’s BPKP may have more budget in the 20-21 budget.

Farmers continue protests, while engaging with GoI in several rounds of talks. For repeal of three farm laws, now suspended till further orders. For Minimum Support Prices to all crops. For more appropriate reforms, for all poor-vulnerable-marginalized farmers, for multiple crops cropping patterns, for ecological sustainability, nutritional diversity, food sufficiency. For benchmark market regulation and support. For state to protect its farmers. Their existence.

The struggle is intensifying across. Supreme Court steps in, forms a panel, with ‘pro’-reform members. Farmers say no to talking to the panel. Government says it is ready to suspend laws for 18 months.

Who rules, man or woman? Does it matter?

Let us sync in harmony with nature’s dimensions. Let us be in nature’s symphony. Let us be in sing in tandem. Let us hum. Keep humming. Let us keep flowing. In local useful coexistence, with N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of coexistence for local usefulness – jeevanakulayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar