Yogakshemam 110321: Seek Mentor(s)

Seek Mentor(s)

Pandemic, second wave, maybe less intense, less duration, is on its way. This is despite many with antibodies; with vaccines multiplying and reaching more and more people.

Verizon’s Sanyogita reinforces: front-end learning, follow interests, go to the need/needy. But have the foundation of STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, along with Language Skills. Whatever discipline we take later, this foundation helps.

A Swedish ‘Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem)’ Research Institute raises a question, Is India heading in the direction of ‘electoral democratic autocracy’? Do the citizenry, media, civil society feel less free? Are we getting more disciplined? Are we becoming less laissez-faire? Are we being watched more? Are we being scrutinized more? Are our lives becoming less private now? Are we on the path: restrict, control media, academia, civil society  disrespect opponents  spread selective information, disinformation, analytics  dilute formal institutions  electoral processes? Are we being lead up the garden path? Let us watch, let us prepare and be ready, and let us not get rude shocks and surprises.

Elections are hotting up in the ‘mini’ general elections. May not see great surprises. Telangana MLC Election Results are eagerly awaited. Local Body elections in AP may not throw up any challenges to the ruling dispensation yet.

Crowd mentality pushes us to think in certain ways, do certain things, and certain goals. It is easy. It is the path of least resistance. To move away from this involves asking tough questions, questioning beliefs and views; to walk our own paths swimming upstream. This may be the true living. But, it requires guts, courage. As we follow our own path, with time, we become grateful for this decision of living our way. Playing our tune. Singing our song. Dancing our steps.

If we are not already there, it is time we go there. It is time we do. It is time we live. It is time we dare.

It is not always true that we know what we want, what we need. Visionaries are needed to tell us. If Ford asked people what they wanted, they would have responded – faster horses. 🙂

Can we get Krsna? A good mentor, who knows us well; knows our potential; knows what is best for us, even if it is difficult choice now; steers us firmly to progress, if we surrender. If only we surrender. She has time, energy and patient in – questioning us, criticising us and pushing us.

Aparna confirms and informs us – community schools us, in values, in perspective, in culture, in attitudes. Community is the Krsna. Krsna, Krsna, Krsna. Jagadguru. Community is the Siva. Siva, Siva. Adiguru.

I have done Upavaas, Jaagaran for this Mahasivaratri. Can we do fasting more often? Can we do Jaagaran, more often? Can we keep our spines straight up every day? Week? Fortnight? Month? Can we experience the vast unbounded emptiness, nothingness? Can we move towards oneness with this universe, pluriverses? Can we dissolve ourselves into them? All-pervading, omnipresent vastness of existence. Can we seek the experience of this unboundedness, even for a small while now? And keep expanding this into eternity, slowly? Can we tap this opportunity and possibility? Can we move from wakefulness to awakening deep within?

Yes, we can. If we are with Community. If we co-exist. In our various ways. In our various interdependent ways. Keep flowing, with the mentor along. In nature. With N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of useful community of coexistence – hariharayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar