Yogakshemam 140421: Practice Beginner’s Mind

Uncertainty is the centrality of the scientist’s work. Much of knowledge that has been built-up over the years is still tentative, incomplete or even wrong. In essence, our purpose as ‘scientists’ is to reduce this uncertainty a little bit. We tend to be little less wrong, but tentative and conditional.”

Happy Sri Plava Ugadi, Gudi Padwa, Samvatsaraadi, Cheti Chand, Sajibu Nongma Panba, Nyepi. Happy Baisakhi, Poila Baisakh, Bihu, Puthandu, Vishu. Happy New Year.

Dr BR Ambedkar, 130, takes us to the Constitution, his socio-political thought leadership, Buddhism, The Buddha and his Dhamma, The Annihilation of Caste, Ambedkar and his Egalitarian Revolution. A growing influence in India and outside even after 65 years of his nirvana.

Corona picks up momentum in its second wave. Numbers are putting enormous strain on the systems. Vaccines are in shortage. Vaccines may not be fully effective too. Examinations for Class X are getting cancelled. Other examinations are getting postponed. Curfews, Night, Weekend Lockdowns are coming. Fines for not having masks. Mask, Washing and Distance matters more now. We are moving from battles to the war.

An article on Stephen Hawking has urged us to see him as a preeminent scientist of our lifetimes, a brilliant man. Nothing else. We tend to think of him as omniscient, prophet. He is not these. Uncertainty is the centrality of the scientist’s work. Much of knowledge that has been built-up over the years is still tentative, incomplete or even wrong. In essence, our purpose as ‘scientists’ is to reduce this uncertainty a little bit. We tend to be little less wrong, but tentative and conditional.

When the resource crunch hits us, we develop solutions that require less resources with equal or better results. Expenses rise to meet the budget available. Money always brings expensive solution possible. It may not be the best. Like the Russian’s pencil, against the zero-gravity pen.

Most of us working from home, or away from offices, fields, relations, need to do some stretches. Try Surya namaskar. Try Janu Seersasana. Need to be silent at least one wakeful deliberate hour a day. Need to be in ‘emptiness’ at least some 10 minutes a day. Some physical energy consumption tasks.

My friend Srinivas introduced me to ‘Zen: The Art of Simple Living’ by Shunmyo Masuno. First thing is to energizing ourselves, starting with observing ourselves and making time for emptiness. Everyday. There is infinite potential within nothingness. Can we be with ourselves, without haste and impatience? May be 10 minutes. Can we wake up just 15 minutes early, everyday? Can we relish the morning air, morning sun? All our days are different. They are not identical. Can we discard what we do not need? Can we discard our attachments? Can we let go our assumptions? Can we reduce our possessions? Burdens? Can we be free? Can we laugh? Can we cry? Can we mourn fully? Can we organize our screens, tables, rooms, and our minds? Can we just have tea, coffee, with no other engagement? Food, Lying down, Sleep? Read, Write? Talk, Converse? Go to woods, and shout? Can we try barefoot?

Let us be grateful. Savour the sense of gratitude. Cherish being alive. Cherish life. Think sitting. Focus on breath. Exhale, Inhale. Slowly. Put two hands together. Listen inside.

Declutter. Arrange less and simply. Let us move into the luxury of not having things.

Be with nature. At least be in touch. See, stare sunrise, sunset, moon, sky, sea, river, forest, tree, flower, animal, bird, creature, ant. Let us hone our senses and experience. Let us also see the beauty of grey. Let us also know that there are many ways. It is not always either-or.

Know that there are many necessary non-essentials. Let us not get bothered with all of these. Be concerned with what are tangible. Do intangibles matter? Do not postpone doable activities. Let us try our best. Now is ours. Let us not fear change. Let us look for them. Small changes.

Let us serve. Let us practice to serve. Let us learn to practice. Let us care. Let us nurture. Let us demonstrate. Let us express our mind without words. Charisma does not require words. With Hope, Faith, Promise and Love.

Let us have a beginners’ mind. With no, light expectations. Humble, flexible, coachable. Not frustrated easily. Ready to try new things. Curious. Because we do not know. Because we are scientists. Experimenters. When we appreciate, feel, think of the suffering, pain and needs of the world, and we want to serve, help, we need to be simply living. Living simple. With beginners’s mind.  Universe takes us to do its work of life, living, leading, learning and love. Can we unlearn, learn and practice to have beginner’s mind, always?

Yes, we can. If we be with N, deep inside, all over, all nuanced elements, ways, and coexist with life. Keep flowing simply. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of simple useful savoured joyous coexistence – santoshajeevanayoga for 7L.