Yogakshemam 290321:Keep Choosing Moment by Moment

Mini General Elections are ON. First round is over. Ratnaprabha joins the fray at Tirupati. Janareddy is at Sagar. Opinion Polls are largely on expected lines, broadly. No big turnarounds projected yet. Let us wait for May 2.

Bubble Bio cricket with England kept India ahead in Tests, T20s and ODIs. Soon we have IPL matches in the bio-bubbles.

Vaccines are now being available all 45+ people from 1 April. The speed of vaccination has to go up. Second wave of CoVID has to be crossed. Masking, distance and washing has to continue. We hope we survive Holi, Ugadi, New Years, Ramzan, without getting affected by CoVID. Some restrictions, night curfews, local lockdowns etc., may help.

Holi – colours, colours of our lives. Natural colours. Colourful water. Celebrations. Song, Dance, Intoxication. Group Games. Raas. Spring. Harvest. Love. Forgetting and forgiving.

Telangana raises retirement age to 61. There are protests by youth and the parents of youth. Unemployment. Does it mean postponed, limited recruitments. Pay Revision gives a fitment at 30% in Telangana. Incidentally, GoI Professors, Judges, Medical Professors retire at 65.

I teach. I should be allowed to teach. Whatever I am pleased, and in the manner I want. I should be allowed to experiment with ideas, methods and tools. There should be no interference. Then, I do my best. Is not it?

Is the global market with ‘technologies’ a threat to the humanity on earth? To its health? Wellbeing? Survival?

Whose sovereignty matters? Definitely not farmer’s, weaver’s. Not even consumer’s. May be state. Surely investor’s.

We are social beings. Network beings. Our day-to-day existence is in the networks. Relationships, referrals, inspirations, motivations, linkages. Can we connect? Can we remain connected? Can we have time for these then? Can we know choosing the relevant? Can we protect our individuality in the network flows, floods? Can we flow without getting drowned? Do we have the methods, instruments and tools required? Can the platforms, forums, rivers help? Timing? Costs, Returns?

Realization: Need and drive for achievement can be induced, augmented. But, this has to start early. Childhood is the best. Young minds are better. Let us begin soon. Let us begin with young early.

Future of work includes: flexi; mixed; office. Physical spaces, remote work. Core physical team slots, volunteer work flexi-bands. Can we hybridize in this manner? Without compromising safety and warmth? Without loss of Identity, Solidarity, Capacity, Teamwork, Culture, Wellbeing, Freedom? What tools, techniques, practices-processes, platforms, instruments help?

Can our work alone speak for itself? Can we afford to keep quiet? Will we be spontaneously noticed? Will our contributions be valued automatically? Do not we have to ‘nudge’ the world to discover us? How does this happen? Reflect, assess, take feedback, articulate what we are up to, may be with a set of plans; write – be in a ‘channel’ and flow – follow, share, post, blog, vlog; focus on quality, interested groups; value, value proposition – mutual give and take learning; technology, knowhow and timing; commit, be authentic, connect dots, emotions, images; share, ask, and respond.

We need trajectory triad – Progress bigger, larger, more significant, more complex, multiple functions-roles, higher; network, relationships, credibility, momentum for growth at this point of time; sustained results in ups and downs.

Happy people lived and live lives of variety. Different tasks, jobs, places, stories. These lead to fulfilling lives. As long as we can laugh, there is hope.

The best way to find ourselves (in happiness) is to lose ourselves in the service of others. Buddha tells us – the heart rejoices as we prepare to give; it gets purified, as we give; and it gets satisfied on giving. Serving larger cause(s) lets us stretch. Stretch our limitations and boundaries. Loosen the ego ties. It helps us to improve our wellbeing too. Giving and service is being generous with time, energy, money, and the ways of life, that help the ‘life’. It is lifework, and life’s work. With emotion. Emotion has the power to transform – take us into gutter or to the highest peak of consciousness.

In flows of tiny moments, drops, bits-bytes, choices. While ‘big’ choices, commitments, purposes, visions may matter, what matter more are these tiny moments, moment-after-moment. Are we choosing what we want in every now doing whatever? Cannot we?

Yes, we can. If we coexist happily with happy community in their ways of hues and colours. Keep flowing, in colours, in nature, with N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of useful dhul-happy coexistence – holiyoga for 7L.