Livelihoods Update: 11 May 2021

Puducherry has provided tap connections in every rural home; fourth to do so in country. 1 lakh Metric Tonnes of Foodgrain was distributed to 2 crore beneficiaries in 12 States and UTs under PMGKAY- 3. Find out more on ‘LIVELIHOODS UPDATE’ 11 May 2021.

Puducherry has provided tap connections in every rural home; fourth to do so in country. 1 lakh Metric Tonnes of Foodgrain was distributed to 2 crore beneficiaries in 12 States and UTs under PMGKAY- 3. Find out more on 'LIVELIHOODS UPDATE' 11 May 2021.
Livelihoods Update: 11 May 2021

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