Yogakshemam 060621: Kshama, Manthan, Amrit

Kshama, Manthan, Amrit

West Bengal CS, Alapan Bandyopadhyay, gets relieved to become Chief Adviser, Mamata Team, 24×7. Hari Krishna Dwivedi takes charge as CS.

Government is getting social media to comply to Indian laws. Latest one to fall in line, may be reluctantly, is twitter.

We need free, uncensored and democratic dissemination of health information to secure our health freedom.

India’s poor are eating less. Eating less nutritious food. CoVID led them to a nutrition crisis. May be because of lossin employment and incomes, for a good majority. The GDP went down by 7.5% in 20-21. Savings wiped out. Loans were not available. All these led to nutrition loss, food insecurity. People started eating less. Nutrition quality, variety, quantity is less. Frequency is less. These trends continued post-CoVID wave 1, into wave 2. And may continue for many days to come. The situation is worse with poorer. PDS has been/is a silver lining. MGNREGS helps. Humanitarian help is useful. Not adequate. Cash transfers are required.

There is a connection between tasty, healthy, local foods and protecting and preserving agrobiodiversity that produces these foods. Traditional indigenous farmers. Women farmers. Let us nurture this.

120 Million smallholder farmers in India are getting ready to transit to regenerative farming, if we localize and customize practices and models. If we repurpose existing subsidies to chemical farming, towards regenerative farming. If we have ‘activists, facilitators, champions’ emerging and working with them. Then, we have more than adequate nutrition locally for all, with improved crop intensity, multiple layered crops, land productivity. Wellbeing of our farmers. Our health, animals’ health, soil’s health and planet’s health. A cooler planet. Water savings. Energy savings.

Kurien’s Centenary Year is in progress. Logo is released by IRMA. ‘Cooperation’ remembers Cooperator par excellence. Milk reminisces Milkman. Institutions Dairy Board et al. Brands Amul, Amulya, Dhara et al. Missions White Revolution, Operation Flood, Operation Goldenflow et al. Dairy Board.

Can we have Amrit, a la, Amul; NF a la Milk? Can we have Kuriens? Dairy Boards, IRMAs, Institutions, Support Organizations, Collectives, Value-chains, Brands, Missions, Resources, People, Entrepreneurs, Friends?
In news: My friend, N Raghunathan, Catalyst Leader. An integrating impact accelerator. People’s artist. Can we have more Raghus?

People are getting used to Work from Anywhere. Work Hybrid. Tribal, rural, semi-urban settings are not bad to work from. Nature-friendly, nature-centric locations are better still. Many a time, work efficiency is higher with smaller crowds working together. Virtual teams do work. How do we make HR Performance Management and Leadership Policy that could serve this? How do we ‘encourage’ this? How do we make ‘decentralize’ as the norm? Decentralized, networked hybrid organizations is the new way.

We see many start-ups starting. Many incubators are around. Let us remember we are a krishi, self-employed country. Enterprise is in our blood. Our DNA. We need to, and we can work on this. We need to guide them to pick up that matches their ‘potential portfolio’. They need leadership-management orientation, and some tools of planning, tracking et al. Yet, ambitious aspirations have to be gradually built.

Let us read, write, solve puzzles, listen to music, do ‘recitals’, dance, cook, organize, clean-up, spend time in the ‘nature’, with ‘life’.

Let us log what we do. Let us plan what we want to do. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, a block of years. Lists help. Calendaring, Digital Assistance help. Reminders help.

Came across: Epistemic confidence, social confidence. We may need both. But, more of the latter. Many a time, certainty and doubtlessness is a dampener too.

Forgive to get released. To be free. Accept what happened and let it go. Move from the event, incident. Talk it out. Can we?

Yes, we can. If we reflect, meditate, if we practice, if we think, talk and do, if we articulate, if we listen, if we coexist with life, N, and flowing. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of influence for forgiving and giving for useful coexistence – amritayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar