Livelihoods Update: 10 July 2021

MGNREGS workers in Odisha get Rs. 50 extra on the daily wages for working in the months of April, May & June; part of state’s special COVID-19 package. 13 new cases of zika virus reported in Thiruvananthapuram. Find out more on ‘LIVELIHOODS UPDATE’ 10 July 2021.

MGNREGS workers in Odisha get Rs. 50 extra on the daily wages for working in the months of April, May & June; part of state's special COVID-19 package. 13 new cases of zika virus reported in Thiruvananthapuram. Find out more on 'LIVELIHOODS UPDATE' 10 July 2021.
Livelihoods Update: 10 July 2021



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