Yogakshemam 150721: Let go, Listen, Coexist

Let go, Listen, Coexist

Came across ‘An Agricultural Testament’ by Sir Albert Howard, written in 1940s. It said – the soils of the world are either being worn out and left in ruins, or are being slowly poisoned. The capital is being squandered. The slow poisoning of the life of the soil by artificial manures is one of the greatest calamities which has befallen agriculture and mankind. Mother earth has recorded her disapproval by the steady growth of disease in crops, animals, and mankind. The connexion which exists between a fertile soil and healthy crops, healthy animals and, last but not least, healthy human beings must be made known far and wide. As many resident communities as possible, with sufficient land of their own to produce their vegetables, fruit, milk and milk products, cereals, and meat, must be persuaded to feed themselves and to demonstrate the results of fresh food raised on fertile soil. An important item in education, both in the home and in the school, must be the knowledge of the superiority in taste, quality, and keeping power of food, like vegetables and fruit, grown with humus, over produce raised on artificials.

Consumers have to join forces with the producers. All the farm owner – farming – farm worker families have to be paid for their services to the ecosystem. It is also time for farmer-researchers to join forces with this. Farmers are ever ready to adapt anything that works. We do not need researchers in great numbers, we need the best. Soils are the best experts, if we let them speak. Crops, animals, insects, fungi and other micro-organisms speak better. Varieties, not running out, speak better. Forests speak. They can be safely copied/replicated. Mycorrizhal association connecting soil and sap has to be nurtured.

Evidence is accumulating that such healthy produce is important for the wellbeing of mankind. We are still counting numbers in stead of action. Seriously. Intensely. With the urgentcy it demands.

Do Blockchains help us? Do they help the poor? Blockchain has gone more than cryptocurrency. Health, Farming, Government, Entertainment data are getting influenced. Producer-consumer supply chains, value-chains and linkages are beginning to be there. Can the small producers, small value-adders, service providers and consumers get the benefit? Traceability to the start point can be a big plus. Will the cost of generating, keeping, maintaining, and using the same without unduly raising privacy concerns be reasonable? Hassle-free? Is the Blockchain fair? And Is it ready? Can it be public? With so many STEM Colleges, can we have camera-fitted drones and maps of all farms scanned 3-4 times a year? Can we also have satellite data of farms?

Cabinet created Ministry of Cooperation. Will it be trustee of all forms of cooperation and collective action, and at various levels? As defined in Statement of Cooperative Identity – autonomous associations of persons united voluntarily to meet their economic, social, cultural and environmental needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise, and their federal entities? Primary organizations under Cooperative Acts in the States, and Union? Their Unions, Federations, Fourth and Fifth tiers? Organizations under alternate Cooperative Act – Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies Act, Self-regulating Cooperatives Act et al? Producer Companies? Consumer Companies? Labour Unions? Informal self-help groups? Farmer Producer Organizations? Service Organizations? Consumer Organisations? Worker Organisations? Member-controlled Societies, Associations, Samities? Member-controlled Trusts, Foundations? Small number member private companies and partnerships?

Then, what about the models for commodities? Multi-commodities? Beyond dairy, savings-credit-banking? Multiple commodities with varying times of harvesting? Rotation? Mixing services and produce? Kind and cash? Member control with freedom from Government-Bureaucracy control, professionals and critical scale – are they not the hall marks of the functional collectives? Can it offer the treatment in various dimensions on par with or better than other economic actors?

Is it limited to multi-state organizations? Multi-state by membership or operations or market? Can it stir up the Cooperative movement(s), given that cooperation/collective action is a fundamental right? Will it revive the existing cooperatives? Will it make the cooperatives of integrated collective action entity working across the need spectrum of members? Will the cooperatives/collectives also be treated and supported as start-ups? Will social enterprises be as collectives? Why not? Is not it time have more and more women collectives, and on scale? And after creating conducive ecosystem, can the state leave the onus on the collective to follow principles and values for member control-benefit with equity, roping professionals, embracing technology, and space for leaders with interest and commitment?

Hope people have choices with voices for them therein.

Social Stock Exchange is on its way. The Technical Group has reviewed the ‘proposal’ and commented – eligibility for profit enterprises and not-for-profit organizations provided they have social impact as the primacy in their objectives. This is screened against the eligible activities, servicing the underserved or less privileged or low development regions at least 67%, in terms of revenue, expenditure or customer base. They can raise funds through Equity, Bonds, Social Impact Funds, Mutual Funds, Debts, Social Venture Funds with lower corpus and subscription amounts with grant provision, Multi-Organizational Funds etc. Capacity Building Fund for raising the ability of stakeholders should be there. Sustainability Reporting Standards, Social Impact Reporting and Social Auditors in a separate Sustainability Directorate.

United Nations (FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO together) confirms that CoVID 19 has caused one of the biggest increases in World Hunger and Malnutrition in several decades. India is in the top 5 countries that got impacted severely. World over, 18% people are facing hunger. One in three is not having adequate food. Malnutrition went up. SDGs may be getting off-track already. This calls for push to Chemical free Natural Farming customized to local farming situations, Natural Local Diverse Foods and Short Local safer, fairer, more sustainable Value-chains. Social Protection Measures. Risk reduction Measures. Direct Benefit to the Poor and Vulnerable to face shocks and adversities. Working on Consumer behaviour.

Third wave may hit us anytime. Let us prevent it, reduce its intensity, its ‘wave length’, its impact, collateral damage and suffering, and let us get ready to bounce back faster.

We observe data and experience from based on our natural, physical, social, mental, emotional ‘position’. Then select data unorganized-organized and analyse, interpret and draw personal, social and cultural meanings, leading to our assumptions and conclusions, slowly they becoming our beliefs, and actions based on these beliefs, and our reflections loop in, cycle in accordingly. The moot question is how do we break these loops and cycles?

We, generally, do not listen effectively. We need to try, practice and listen. Great leaders are distinguished by their ability to listen. We need to be in the present, attentive, engaged, open, and flexible. Can we find time to listen? How do we get better at listening? Can we be better in the present in whatever we are doing? Can we stop dwelling in the past unless we planned to learn and make a plan for the present and the future? Can we let go the past, suffering past? Can we let go the anxieties about the future?

Yes, we can. If we let go the past, let go the anxieties of the future. If we become monks, half-manks. If we remain attached only to the present. If we are open to the signals of the Universe and inner voice. If we dedicate time-energy to feel, think, reflect, co-reflect. If we flow in the flow of N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of being in useful coexistence – nityayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar