Yogakshemam 290821: Amrita Freedom

Amrita Freedom

Vamsi gets engaged with Pratyusha, on 29 August. Marriage is planned in December. Please block days, to be there.

India Plan 75 100. Some agenda includes:

1. Rs. 20 lakh Crore GDP, 1 million per capita/year
2. Knowledge workers, self-employed and entrepreneurs
3. Literacy, Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy; Banking Literacy
4. Teachers of high regard for all at 1:10 students
5. Basic minimum urban facilities (to be defined) for all
6. Doctors for all at 1:1000 population
7. Direct benefit, 25,000 a month to all; State to put Rs.10 Million per child as wealth
8. Free Education, Quality Education to All, up to 18; and at loan above 18
9. Work hours 35/week or 1500/year; portfolio of works
10. Work up to 80 years
11. Single Tax, Tax on Expenditure?
12. Freedom of Life, Living, Livelihoods; Association; Expression
13. Thriving Media
14. Reduced low-high wage structure, 1:100 (Rs.1000 a day and Rs.100,000 a day)
15. INR to be a global benchmark currency
16. No Foreign Development aid
17. 75%+ families meet their half their FNH needs on their own
18. Life Expectancy crosses 80
19. Every adult, a member of a functional collective
20. 365 day green cover agroecology everywhere, with chemical free produce for all

We go to 100 of them in a month, and then we expand with clear plans.
It is 150 years of Sri Aurobindo.

Rs.100 lakh Crore Gati Sakti Project is being unveiled towards making Indian products more competitive by cutting down the logistics costs and improving the supply chains. Government has also announced Edible Oil Mission.

Afghanistan. We donot know what is happening. Madhavan decided to stay back for the time being. Panjshir continues to give a tough fight.

Now Dalit Bandhu, after Rythu Bandhu. May be Girijanabandhu is on the anvil. We seem to have hit on Direct Benefit Transfer as a methodology.

Third Wave Corona may hit soon.

UP and Punjab: getting ready for elections.

This indigenous day: let us adapt their ways towards a better planet and better health of the planet.
Let us appreciate that every minute we make choices, including inactivity. Poor choices are driving us often. Many a time, they are casual choices. Costs, Risks, are not considered.

The perfect human employs her mind as a mirror; it grasps nothing. It refuses nothing. It receives but does not keep. We need to transcend fear of missing out. If not, we need to seek out ‘helping’ professionals to help us cope with self-created misery, by embracing nonsense and inconsequential. Therefore, we need to free the conscious memory for greater capacity of intelligence and capabilities, and greater evolution.

Can we not attached to the ways of work, the processes, the methods, the tools, rather than and results? If we are not enjoying these, are we missing the woods?

Yes, we can. If we practice intensely within and without. If we flow with N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of freedom of useful coexistence – amritayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar