Yogakshemam 161021: Parivartan Sankalp

Parivartan Sankalp

2021 Nobel Prize Winners –
Peace: Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov “for their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression”;
Literature: Abdulrazak Gurnah “for his uncompromising and compassionate penetration of the effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee in the gulf between cultures and continents”
Physics: Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann, Giorgio Parisi “for groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex systems”
Chemistry: Benjamin List and David MacMillan “for the development of asymmetric organocatalysis”
Medicine: David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian “for their discoveries of receptors for temperature and touch”
Economics: David Card “for his empirical contributions to labour economics” [minimum wage increases may expand employment rates]; Joshua D. Angrist and Guido W Imbens “for their methodological contributions to the analysis of causal relationships”

Kamla Bhasin rests. Her work of advocacy of (gender) equality goes on. It is no ‘laughing matter’. Her articulation of patriarchy and gender equity and equality is seminal.

Ramakrishna (RK) alias Akkiraju Haragaopal rests.

Reinforced understanding dimensions from Dr K – Knowledge, Faith in the capacity, dedication, institutional architecture, technology, professionals, policy influence, political will.

Calls, from within, and without, are mounting for transition/transformation. They transform into avalanches themselves. Forced to flow along or willing to flow along is our choice. Universe knows to get us on its side if we do not yield on our own. Let us get ready. NIT Warangal’s Distinguished alumnus public service 2019 reiterates the calls to transit and transform, and quickly.

Let us say no to Poverty, absolute poverty-hunger-marginalization. Let us say no to food-nutrition-health insecurity. Let us understand the poorest, most marginalized people, areas and livelihoods-vocations and work with/for them. Let us be inclusive and equitable. Let us appreciate changing patterns (of rain, precipitation, over shorter period and localized areas) and build sustainability, sustenance and resilience. Let us Let us re-sankalp.

Let us have a million collectives, a hundred million groups, a million entrepreneurs and enterprises, a million facilitators, a hundred million animators. Let us have will and policy hygiene for this. Let us go, be close to, and be in sync with nature. Let us build and mentor leaders, anchors, mentors, lifeworkers in ‘000s. Let us build their forum(s). Let us enrich and spread this life, living, learning, thinking, articulation, practice, linking, leading, and love. Let us have notes, conversations, journeys, stays, classes, cohorts, videos, forums. Let us work for India 100.

Navaratri and Vijayadasami calls us to re-sankalp. Conquer/quell Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Moha (attraction), Lobha (greed), Mada (hubris), Matsara (jealousy), Swartha (selfishness), Anyaya (injustice), Amaanavata (cruelty) and Ahankaara (ego). Get to a new equilibrium with consciousness and spirit in sync with N.

Krishnamurthi helps: Can we have leaders/mentors/lifeworkers sensitive? Sensitive to nature, sensitive to all the things that are happening around us, sensitive not only to what is happening outside us but also inside us? If we are not sensitive, if we are not aware, we cannot think clearly. Intelligence implies that we see the beauty of the earth, the beauty of the trees, the beauty of the skies, the lovely sunset, the stars, the beauty of subtlety. Are we gathering this intelligence? Do we have the intelligence that questions, tries to find out? Can we help our leaders/mentors to this quality of intelligence, which sees the beauty of the land, the dirt, the squalor, and is also aware of the inner happenings, how one thinks, how one observes the subtlety of thought? Can we do?

Tagore joins: Can we appreciate that the society’s necessities are the simplest and the most universal? Can we help our leaders/mentors/lifeworkers realize the inner principle of the unity of all knowledge and all the activities of our spiritual and social being – the spirit of mutual help and the common sharing of benefits in the elemental necessaries of life? Can we live and produce, beyond thinking, articulation and instruction?

Can we see and show the whole expanse of life, the beauty of it and the ugliness of it? The joy, the agony? Can we become and help others to become tremendous human beings? Healing the earth? Creating better futures? Can we learn walking around, listening, seeing, doing and practicing?

Can we be prudent? Can we be simple and moderate? Can we have patience, tolerance, courage, respect, compassion and generosity? Can we show integrity, humility? Can we think about us less, and think about the universe around us more? Can we be strong to stand up? Can we be aware, self-aware?

Can we have the purity of purpose, thought and focus of action? Can we try various means, tools, instruments for this? Can we garner solidarity and unity? Can we cope with and transcend contradictions within, limitless imperfections withi us, and the conflicts within?

Living in the moment does not mean we do not have purpose. We are flowing with a purpose, governed by our values and direction. When we get splits in the flow, we make choices in the flows we go with. Can we do this? All of us lead and influence. All of us are led and get influenced. Can we have the purpose, values and direction set in us to make the choices of the flows and lead and influence the lives around us to make these choices?

Yes, we can. If we are in satsang. If we are getting ready for Guru. If we persist with practice. If we are in the flow. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of sankalp for useful coexistence – sankalpasutrayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar