Grameen Foundation (GFI) starts Catalyst Award initiative to help FPOs (Farmer Producer Organizations) in UP. It will help small farmers, especially women farmers with small farmholdings, and give them market linkage and technology and finance.
Rural workers (in non-agricultural segment) in Kerala earned an average of Rs. 677.6 per day for 2020-21—the highest among states & UTs. Jammu and Kashmir (Rs. 483) and Tamil Nadu (Rs. 449.5) are in 2nd and 3rd positions: RBI.
The State-level Scheme Sanctioning Committee (SLSSC) approved drinking water supply schemes of Rs. 1,816 crore for Rajasthan. They will provide tap water connection to around 4 lakh rural households in 2348 villages across 20 districts of Rajasthan.
Agriculture Minister Tomar informed that the crops cultivated in 50.40 lakh ha were affected due to heavy rains, floods and landslides so far this year. Karnataka reported the largest crop damage area of 13.98 lakh ha followed by West Bengal (6.90 lakh ha) and Rajasthan (6.79 lakh ha).
Odisha CM announces a scheme for newspaper hawkers covered by Odisha Unorganized Workers’ Social Security Board (OUWSSB). It will provide life and disability insurance cover to them. It will also provide a one-time financial assistance of Rs. 3000 in two phases.
On the occasion of World AIDS Day, ICMR – National AIDS Research Institute (NARI) will host virtual events for 3 days, starting today. It will include “Ask your questions about HIV” event on 3rd December, panel discussions, etc.

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