Haryana comes first in Citizen Centric Governance Sector Ranking 2021. It is due to providing citizens quick and easy access to Government services online, or closest community service centres.
Telangana has the most villages in ODF+ Category in the country. It has 8035 villages being ODF+, with good sanitation and clean and safe drinking water via piped connection given to all houses.
Central Government forms a Committee to consider withdrawal of AFSPA from Nagaland, as per Nagaland Government’s request. This comes after 6 civilians died in Army ambush and 8 died in violence triggered by the attack.
Punjab Government has announced to waive off loans of 1.09 lakh small and medium farmers, and loans of landless labourers.
Union government starts Composite Regional Centre for Skill Development and Empowering Persons with Disabilities at Imphal (Manipur). It has various equipment for their aid and rehabilitation.

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