Yogakshemam 091221: Go with our whys

Mourning continues. Grounded. Reflections go on. Internal conversations dominate. Life relationships, arrangements, sutras are being reworked. Getting back to the flow, albeit slowly. Amidst all this, reflections include Amma. Manoharan. Kurien’s 100. Sarvail’s 50.

Sadgati Gen Bipin Rawat, 63, First Chief of Defence Staff, India. Succumbed to helicopter crash, along with his wife, and another 12 colleagues.

Soils sustain life. Soil provides “services” to all life on earth, year round. Soil ecosystem services. Soil is a habitat to the world’s largest biodiversity including Fungi, bacteria, and fauna. Soil holds the nutrients plants need to survive, and provides the physical structure for the roots and stems that helps hold plants up. Soil also provides regulating ecosystem services like regulating quality of air, water, other resources, including climate. We also get Provisioning ecosystem services from soils – food, clothes, shelter, medicines, health and nutrition. Cultural ecosystem services include paintings, landscapes, cultural underpinnings.

Can we really see the end to corruption in our systems, our lives? Political corruption? Legal corruption? Grand corruption? Systemic corruption? Petty corruption? Bribes, Frauds, Grafts, Extortion, Influence peddling, Abuse of discretion, nepotism regardless of merit?

Are we learning enough from the big milk man? Be on time, better still, be a bit early. Have a punishing regimen. 6.5 days a week, 14 hours a day. Keep the list of tasks to be done every day and track the progress. Be precise and simple. An A4 page for decision-making, however big it may be. A slide, without reduction in fonts and spacing. Think 20 steps ahead. See issue from multiple angles, dimensions. Eye for detail. Take time for basic courtesies. Reply to all letters/messages/mails, and promptly. Send thank you notes. Be in touch. Recount stories.

We know that teams/communities require being vibrant, live, without disruptions and inactions. Rules of participation/code of conduct may be written/coded, help. ‘No’s need to be articulated very clearly. Educate, Moderate and Punish as per the code. Think twice to deal with violations publicly. Be consistent. Be and lead by example. Expand leadership. Listen, reach out, respond and communicate. Allow evolution and change, but through due diligence.

It is established now that people who strive for something significant personally, a la learning, craft, career, children, et al, are happier than those who do not have strong aspirations. Happy persons need a mission, agenda, project. A sense of purpose, direction, vision. Energy flows. Commitment directs. Engagement triggers. On a path, in a journey, in the flow. Life is more full. Growth is more deep.

Therefore, we need to find our why(s) and arrange our lives and live our lives around these. This is the most fundamental. And this living is the joy. Every day is a Joy-day. The whys may be the pathways for our true liberation in the pursuit of truth, our truth. Then flowing in one or more of these pathways matters the most. We would be readily and happily embrace death. This is the liberation, the kaivalya. Can we get ready?

jatasya hi dhruvo mrtyur | tasmad apariharye ‘rthe | na tvam socitum arhasi

For us who have taken this birth, death is certain. Therefore, it makes enormous sense to be ever ready to embrace death happily. With joy. Without lament. By flowing in the path of our why. Can we?

yatra yogeśhvaraḥ kṛiṣhṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ tatra śhrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir

If we master yoga to become ‘yogeshwar Krsna’ and if we master the knowledge-skills-tools to become ‘Dhanurdhara’, Sree, Vijaya, Bhuti, Niti (Fortune, Victory, Prosperity and Morality) towards liberation and kaivalya are guaranteed, for sure. Can we?

Yes, we can. If we are keen to know our whys. If we pursue these whys and possibilities to these whys. If we find the flow and flow. If we keep flowing with joy. If we are true to ourselves in the flow of N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of knowing and being in the whys for useful coexistence – sreeyoga for 7L.

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