Yogakshemam 070122: Plan and flow

Are we in farming, food, fodder and fibre system or are we in health system? Health of the soil, of plants and animals, of farm and farmer, of the farm family and farm community, of the consumers, all involved in the same interested, interlocking pattern of patterns? Therefore, can we see the future farm that is fertile, productive, healthful, conservative, beautiful, pleasant to live on? Healthy farm, healthy soil? A soil with a portfolio of diversity – season, layer, and crops?

Is not a healthy farm, a result of what a human mind can comprehend, make, maintain, vary in response to circumstances, and pay steady attention to? This is obviously variable from one farmer and farm to another. Let us appreciate so-called “inputs” are, from a different point of view, outputs – expenses. Any expenditure to a manufacturer should be held in suspicion. The good health of a farm depends on the farmer’s mind and physical work. A well-farmed farm includes the farmer, mind and body both. Farmer and farm are one thing, an organism, with the integrity, the independence, and the benign dependence of an organism.

What is good for the water is good for the ground, what is good for the ground is good for the plants, what is good for the plants is good for animals, what is good for animals is good for people, what is good for people is good for the air, what is good for the air is good for the water. And vice versa. This calls for human solutions including farming and consuming in harmony with nature. In harmony with good character, cultural values, and moral law.

Sarvail Gurukulam is a model to the country, inspiring ‘Gurukulams’ across the country. Can we have a differential, flexible curriculum embedded herein? Matriculation, CBSE, ICSE, International? Cultural, linguistic diversity? Portfolio of learning modes? Life-learning, yoga, self-help, mutual help, self-care, lifeskills, digital skills? Experiential learning, learning by doing? Decision-making skills, tools? Metalearning, metaskills? Human values? Planet work? Leadership-entrepreneurship? Social responsibility – payback? Talent-ability support?

Let us take advantage of the hybrid work context. Can we stay and spend significant time in various habitats – Himalayas, hills, coasts, river banks/islands, forests, valleys, deserts, remote locations, wildlife sanctuaries, cultural spaces etc.? Can we start journeying across slowly? Kashmir to Kasi to Kanyakumari, Dwaraka to Jorhat, Jaisalmer to Puri, Islands, Borders, Villages, Learning Institutions, Spiritual-cultural centres, Civil society action areas, etc.?

We need to plan. India Plan 100 needs to be fleshed out, a bit more elaborately, and soon. With metrics and timelines. N 1000 leaders. We need ‘talks’. Masterclasses. Meeting spaces. Work sessions. Co-lifeworkers. Notes. Videos. Academic engagements. Mentoring interactions. Yatras. Examples. Conversations. Learning programmes. Fellowships, Internships, Apprentices. Immersions, inductions, orientations. Portals, websites, platforms. Action-reflections. Talent-ability support cells. Leadership-Enterprise development. Missions. Orders.

We need a plan, or a portfolio of plans, even if changed/updated with re-appreciation of reality and desires. Else, we need to work to the plan of someone else. Also, wish or hope is not a plan. Hope, Faith, Promise and Love has to result in a plan, and work. And we need to keep walking, moving. We cannot remain in a state of lacking purpose, with a feeling of powerlessness, confusion, demotivated, passive, and no meaning/use. Nor do we remain in a state of anxiety, stress, fear, and tightness. This means we cannot be attached too rigidly to the plan, allowing the flexibility with emerging reality situations, opportunities.

Can we? Quickly?

Yes, we can. If we listen within, in satsangs. If we reflect, together. If we get into our whats, hows, and whys of the flow of N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of planning and moving into yoga of flowing for useful coexistence – yojanayoga for 7L.