Yogakshemam 150122 Kainkarya for Upayoga

Third wave, Omicron wave, is in. May be mild but rapidly mounting. 30% of the population soon gets hit – is a wild estimate making rounds. Booster dose gets going. Children start getting vaccination.

We are back to Pedda Panduga with vengeance. With very limited adherence to CoVID norms. Are we started caring less for the fears and get going ‘whatever be the consequences, let us face’ way?

Virat Kohli leaves Test Captaincy too (this makes it in all formats) and remains a player in all formats. New captain(s) in the horizon. 

Elections to 5 States – UP, P, UK, Manipur, Goa. Code is in force, and 10 March is the results day. New captain(s) or just the new mandate tenures!

Working to initiate Leadership and Enterprises for Development, LE4D (physical and electronic) in NIT et al – let us invest Rs. 1 Million in each to start with. It can be a Club of sorts. Students, Faculty and Alumni can enrol. We offer to be its mentors for 1-3 years – 30-40 days at Warangal/year. We stock 1000 Development/Social Classics – Books/e-books, Videos. We facilitate exposure visits. We facilitate ‘village life’ simulation exercise (a la Naranpur Express game). We facilitate 10-60-day work/apprentice visits to Development Works, Social Enterprises for interested students. We take 1-2 full-courses on Development Leadership and Social Enterprises, offline and online. We facilitate Club to adopt a school, a health centre, a village/GP, a cooperative/collective, a craft etc. We facilitate Club to work with 100+ local enterprises. We facilitate Club members to take up ‘social enterprises’ and be with them for the next 3 years. We have Development Conversations with established ‘leaders’ or ‘entrepreneurs’ every fortnight. We have 2-3 day Development/Social Fest, Mela, Dialogue/Symposium, Portfolio of Competitions. We seek Research Papers/Cases. We can run campaigns etc.

Rahul Dravid’s unambiguous messages on Leadership: Let us be humble; Open to opportunities; Persist; Stretch; Harness diversity; Follow the dreams; Reflect and track ourselves.

This is the month of Thiruppavai. For Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu. Without discrimination, like the rain. Let us surrender in thought, word and deed to this. The joy of the souls is the joy for the ‘soul’. Let us enhance the joy. Satsang of the Universe, without any expectation in return. Joy flows. Joys flow. From Antaranga Kainkarya. Leading to outer services and joys. How can we be harsh, with anyone, if we have inner purity?

Charlie Chaplin tells us: We want to live by each other’s happiness – not by each other’s misery. The way of life can be free and beautiful. We need humanity, kindness, gentleness. Let us all unite to give us a chance to work to give youth a future, and old a security.

Should we slice and slice to understand? Should we bring things together, integrate and integrate to find a way forward? Should we do both? Should we do both at the same time, back and forth? Do we understand transformation of energy in its various forms and energy to material, in its various forms, and vice-versa? Reflection is the way. Self-reflection is the way. Dig deeper. Dive deeper. Figuring out the painful repetitions. Figuring out the knocks on the doors, may be windows too, and opening them. Slightly faster, by putting the foot on the accelerator, the reflection. Let us get rid of the recurring painful experiences, by reflection. Some people do not have these and let us learn from them. Some situations may not invite them and let us explore. Let us develop new ways of looking, analysing, thinking, responding and doing.

Can we? Quickly?

Yes, we can. If we listen within. If we reflect, together. If we throw away all the axes so that we are free from grinding. If we sharpen our saws. If we start reflecting. What, how, and why. Of the flow of N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of getting tools and skills of moving into yoga of flowing for useful coexistence – antarangayoga for 7L.

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