Livelihoods Update: 10 March 2022

Counting of votes in the Assembly elections of UP, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Manipur and Goa have begun. At the time of publishing this news, BJP was leading by 253 seats in UP, AAP leading in 88 seats in Punjab.

Jharkhand launched a vocational skill training centre for women in Dhanbad under Tejaswini Project. The Project aims to facilitate market driven skills and secondary education to adolescent and young women. 

In its Budget 2022-23, Meghalaya has presented separate sections on funding for gender budget, youth budget and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) budget. The SDG budget of Rs. 9182 crore, which will be used to improve the various SDG indicators in the state.

India to have world’s first bamboo-based ethanol production refinery project, with a production of 30,000 litre per day. It will promote bamboo plantations as it requires 60,000 tons of bamboo annually.

Tripura Government launches Mukhyamantri Chaa Srami Kalyan Prakalpa, for tea garden workers, costing Rs. 85 crore. It will benefit 7,000 tea garden workers in the state.

Counting of votes in the Assembly elections of UP, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Manipur and Goa have begun. At the time of publishing this news, BJP was leading by 253 seats in UP, AAP leading in 88 seats in Punjab.  Jharkhand launched a vocational skill training centre for women in Dhanbad under Tejaswini Project. The Project aims to facilitate market driven skills and secondary education to adolescent and young women.   In its Budget 2022-23, Meghalaya has presented separate sections on funding for gender budget, youth budget and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) budget. The SDG budget of Rs. 9182 crore, which will be used to improve the various SDG indicators in the state.  India to have world's first bamboo-based ethanol production refinery project, with a production of 30,000 litre per day. It will promote bamboo plantations as it requires 60,000 tons of bamboo annually.  Tripura Government launches Mukhyamantri Chaa Srami Kalyan Prakalpa, for tea garden workers, costing Rs. 85 crore. It will benefit 7,000 tea garden workers in the state.
Livelihoods Update: 10 March 2022



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