Yogakshemam 270322: Happiness as Trigger

Our relentless Happiness Pursuit calls for cherishing goodness in the moment; working with a purpose; persisting/practicing resilience; and being kind.

Happiness, prosperity, thriving and wellbeing are fundamental human rights, aspirations, and goals. Can this be a way of living, being and being useful? Can we do things that make us, all of us, happy? Can we celebrate, share more? Can we be with and enjoy nature? Happiness is the experience of joy, contentment, positive wellbeing, combined with a sense that our lives are good, meaningful and worthwhile, and therefore includes emotions, moods, and feelings, but transcends them. Happiness is the productive realization of our potentialities with being one with the world and preserving our self-integrity simultaneously. Happiness is a function of choices too. Can we be happy with no reason, no trigger? Can we be blessed and achievers at the same time? Is collective happiness a possibility? Is happiness now and hereafter founded on earlier suffering? Do happiness and deeply satisfying life go hand-in-hand?

Happiness can be perceived and measured through perception studies. Interestingly, happiness perceptions are quite stable. Happiness comes from genetics, life circumstances, and self-control. It includes biological, personal, relational, institutional, cultural and global dimensions. Nutrition, Rest, Emotions included. could generate and forward sell farm-related carbon credits in India, may be the first company to do so. The credits have been for – alternate wetting and drying, and crop residue management.

Hybrid work models are going to stay. It may increase the talent pool. It can be more inclusive. Can we be more appreciative of this? Can we have more tools for this? Can we have metrics of performance plan and progress? Can we learn to maintain/improve productivity? Can we reward performance and be competitive? Can we offer a sense of belonging? Can we have systems, resources for this?

Are we seeing the charity giving way to enterprises? Community institutions taking charge of development work? For-profit enterprises taking charge of serving the communities and individuals? Youth thinking of jobs and service provision opportunities? Grants seeking sustainability, leveraging, convergence and partnerships? Investments and loans for enterprises, social enterprises? Blurring difference between social enterprises and for-profit enterprises?

Can we realize and appreciate that everything in the universe is governed by cause and effect principle? Ab-initio, rather than when we are hit by the effect? Can we plan our actions with likely effects, consequences in mind? Can we stop acting by the triggers of greed, fear? Can we move away from gratification from these triggers? Can we submit from the trigger of love? Can we pay our respect and pray for the sake of it, rather than seeking ‘demands’ to be granted? Can we just flow, co-exist? Can we seek within us? Around us? Can we shed our excesses – wants, needs, thoughts, traits? Baggage acquired? Ourselves? Can we journey in these paths? For freedom?

Yes, we can. If we practice. If we practice seeking. If we explore possibilities. If we go around. If we spend time with nature and nature’s life. If we go deep within. If we invest time, energy, resources for this. If we persist and pursue relentlessly. If we act intelligently. If we are happy. In the flow of N. For 7L.

Join us in the yoga of pursing happiness in useful coexistence and co-action – aanandayoga for 7L.