Yogakshemam 200422 Suphala

2022 can be a watershed year for us..

We need deep structural changes in societal attitudes, economic incentives, power relations and political processes, to transform farming and food systems. Complex adaptive systems without vast interests of clout. Alternative theories of change need to be articulated, catalysed and facilitated. These are not so linear processes. Not-so-technical processes. We cannot plan like laying a road, building a vehicle, or taking a vehicle to reach a destination. These are processes of evolution, bit-by-bit, based on emerging opportunities and cracks in the vulnerabilities. Thus, we need to transcend outcome areas. We need to get to levers, capabilities and capacity.  We need instruments and processes of fair governance. We need skills to deal with trade-offs.

These levers include a complete portfolio of models for the context; behaviour change learning and practice by farmers, farmworkers and consumers, and their families; capacity and agency of women, marginalized, youth and children; institutions and enterprises with a commendable share in the value-chains and credits, for fair-share; policies, convergence, partnerships, networks and coalitions. They need to be moving on the paths of transparent accountable inclusion, equity and sustainability, for nutrition security, health, wellbeing, resilience and life. Individual, soil, landscape and planet. 

This theory of change needs to be visualized, articulated, catalysed and facilitated. This needs support from those who can. For Policy changes. For Society-business-science interface and engagement. For pathway generation and moving on the pathways. Work with political, bureaucratic, academic, business, development, civil society and community leaders. 

We are looking at five transitions. Living in nature. Healthy diet. Equitable livelihoods. Climate resilience and carbon-negativity. System resilience. All these as global movements with local actions. To disrupt existing and unsustainable systems regimes – attitudes, policies, power relations and market relations; and give birth to new more inclusive equitable sustainable systems regimes.

Yes, nudging is the way to amplify enablers and dampen constrainers. Strategic alliances needed to be built to help shift understandings, narratives and power dynamics. With enormous patience and diligence. In the end, this is the work. Rest happens on its own. Donors have to chip in to support this ‘patient’ work of inspiring, leading and nudging across government, civil society and business. Invest in new institutions and institutional arrangements for systems analysis, engagement, dialogue, capacity, planning, policy and action. The support is required for a framework to appreciate and analyse systems dynamics, unexpected changes, etc., and respond quickly when required. 

People and Nature have to thrive together. No business leader ignores carbon agenda, livelihoods and justice. A brand can be superior to certification, and testimony to quality.

We need to move towards suphala sneham, transcending saphala sneham. This benefits individuals and the universe at large.

24 months. The world has changed more than what it has changed in the last 24 years. The pace will only increase. Are we ready to lead ourselves in this rapidly changing world? We need these mindsets and skills for this. Mindsets – Global? Servant? Explorer? Integrator? Skills – Coach? Futurist? Technology? Interpretation? Knowledge warrior? Do we have them? Can we quickly graduate to have these? Let us invest time, energy, effort and practice.

Education should turn out true servants of the people and the universe. Can we read books of ourselves? We are the humankind. We are the life. We go through all the agonies, misery, love, pain, joy, and suffering. Can we be more purposeful? Can we be more deliberate about our choices, actions, words, and readings of reality? Can we be more strategic? How do we reduce or help others to reduce time, effort and knowledge to complete a task? Can we live close to human people, nature? Can we live?

Let us appreciate that nothing is permanent. Let us not stress ourselves too much, however bad the situation is. It will change. Even if they are the bottomless pits. Can we? Can we let them go? The pain, suffering. Can we grow? Can we remain unattached to power, wealth, strength, beauty, youth, love, emotions, body, mind? Then, can we soar high? Can we have bliss? 

Yes, we can. If we explore within, without. If we coexist. If we serve. If we practice. If we invest time, energy. If we practice letting go and detachment, and seek humility, courage and wisdom. In the flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of soaring in useful coexistence and co-action – vidhivikasitayoga for 7L.



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