Women were more vulnerable to trafficking and other types of violence in India in areas frequently affected by disasters like floods and cyclones such as West Bengal and Odisha: UN Report.
Tata Power Community Development Trust (TPCDT) and the Centre for Autism and other Disabilities Rehabilitation Research and Education (CADRRE) together launched the country’s first bridgital autism support network called ‘Pay Attention – a different mind is a gifted mind’.
Delhi Police and Skill Development Ministry sign a pact towards providing vocational training to 10,000 people under YUVA 2.0 initiative. It aims to train first-time criminals, victims of crimes, those with a propensity towards crime, etc. and integrate them back into society.
Environment Minister Bhupendra Yadav launched a field manual on guiding forest staff dealing with human-elephant conflict (HEC) in major elephant range states. Between 2018 and 20-20, 1401 humans and 301 elephants died due to HEC.
Chhattisgarh Government launches Mukhyamantri Mitaan Yojana to enable doorstep delivery of 100 public services in 14 municipal corporations.

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