Yogakshemam 090522 Next 10,000 hours

Is there a message? The laptop’s motherboard dies and takes data along. A new and maybe, a better laptop is required. Cloud may have to be used for data storage. Anything else? 

Sri Lanka crisis deepens. The cost of living has become unaffordable. An emergency is declared. Mahinda Rajapaksa resigns. National Government’s idea is not agreed upon yet. Where is it heading? What is the way out?

George Monbiot says ‘We depend on soil for 99% of our food. Yet, we scarcely know it.’ Under one square metre of undisturbed ground, we might have several hundred thousand small animals living. 90% of the species to which they belong are not named yet. Soil is a biological structure, built by living creatures to secure their survival. Microbes stick mineral particles together with ‘carbon cement’, creating pores and passages for water, oxygen and nutrients. These tiny clumps form the building blocks for the animals in the soils to construct bigger mazes. Interestingly, the soil is scaled fractally – a consistent structure. Bacteria, fungi, plants and soil animals, working unconsciously together (maybe or may not be), build an intricate ramifying architecture that organizes itself spontaneously into coherent worlds. With ‘chemical farming’, microbes burn, pores cave in, passages collapse and the soil becomes airless and compacted.

Plants release 11-40% of sugars they produce via photosynthesis into the ground (rhizosphere) deliberately, after turning some of these sugars into highly complex compounds. Apparently, this is done to create and manage their relationships with the bacteria that promote plants’ growth. When a plant root pushes into a lump of soil and starts releasing ‘sugars’, it triggers an explosion of bacteria proliferating to form the densest microbial communities (maybe a billion, in a gram of rhizosphere); they unlock nutrients that the plant needs. Interestingly, the rhizosphere is like the external gut of the plant, akin to the human gut. Both prepare immune and defense systems for plants/humans.

Water is overused and is running out. The land is suffering severe erosion. Climate breakdowns exacerbate the threats. Today, the average minimum distance of food travel is 2,200 km. We need to reverse this. And the window is now, a small window, 15-20 years. We need to be more resilient, more distributed, more diverse and more sustainable. By raising the number of plant species, all around the year. By growing perennials, in place of annuals. This is Regenesis, according to Monbiot.

India and Germany have agreed to cooperate on agroecology and sustainable management of natural resources with Germany intending to loan 300 million euros to India by 2025 under Indo-German financial and technical cooperation. Joint research, knowledge sharing and innovations between institutions and practitioners would be promoted. There would be a joint research and learning academy. A working group would oversee its establishment and progress. Andhra Pradesh is getting ready for its launch soon.

Can we make one district grow into a ‘natural’ and ‘sustainable’ economy? Rs. 10,000 Crore – 100 Billion. In 5-6 years. Some 5-6 lakh families across 500 GPs, 10 towns and a city. 70% rural. Rs.20 Crore/year team can be in charge of this development of livelihoods portfolio. A team of 100 professionals and 1000 community professionals can do the trick. If we invest in the team, and Rs.500 Crore for augmenting livelihoods portfolios of people on a scale. We can develop a District Livelihoods Enhancement Action Plan (LEAP) in a year’s time in a participatory and bottom-up manner in consultation with a variety of stakeholders. This builds on local LEAPs. This would involve local value-chains. Natural farming food systems. Plugging the gaps in existing value-chains for a fair share to producers. Self-employment, enterprises and collectives. District producers’ companies may emerge. If there is a will, Yes.

Can we start the new 10,000 hours going forward with learning and action? 100-day a year travel connecting to the ground? Listening to changemakers on the ground? Listening to the kind? Being in nature? Listening and responding to the seekers? Reading, Writing? Conversing? Crafting, mentoring? Supporting? Yet remain detached? Deeksha(s)? Anytime, soon?

Yes, we can. If we start getting ready now. If we practice letting go. In the flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of 10,000 hours towards useful coexistence and co-action – paramayoga for 7L.

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