Yogakshemam 220522 High energy hours

Vamsi’s wedding with Prathyusha is fixed. 04 August 2022 at Hyderabad. Please block the date to join us and be with us, and bless the young couple in beginning a new life together.

Congratulations. Nikhat Zareen from Hyderabad, IBA Women’s World Boxing Champion.

C Narasimha Rao, Psycho-social analyst, Journalist, sadgati. 

Australia gets a new Prime Minister. Anthony Albanese from Labour. He is joining QSSD – Quad summit. Kishida, Biden, Modi and Albanese would participate in the quadrilateral strategic security dialogue now on 24 May, probably against China. Just now, we have Davos meetings of World Economic Forum in progress during 22-26 May, on the theme: History at a Turning Point, Government Policies and Business Strategies. Hope some initiatives; education, skills and jobs to a billion; ESG metrics and disclosures towards stakeholder ‘capitalism’;  and trillion trees, forests and ecosystems may get a boost, as a result of these meetings.

Russia is surging ahead slowly, as the West keeps reassuring Ukraine. India maintains a neutral stand. Is it the beginning of a world war? Is it part of an attempt to globalize us, more vigorously, with or without our consent? A 20% world trying to conquer the remaining 80% world?

The Government of India cuts additional excise duty on petrol and diesel, by about 30%, maybe to curb inflation. Hope states follow suit. Isn’t it time to take Petrol and Diesel under GST? 

India is getting ready for electing its new President. All politics are gearing for the same. Strategizing. KCR gets going.

Can we combine the intuitive leaps and systematic follow-up? Rules, routines, and processes to yield patterns, insights and frameworks. Their coexistence leads to progress in life! Can we appreciate the long-term trends – technology changes, social changes, ecological changes? Can we benefit from these changes? Can we repel anti-life changes? Can we lead to fair coexistence? Justice? Flexibility and security? Health and wellbeing? Diversity, equity and inclusion? Learning culture? Can we live, learn, love and lead?

Biodiversity. Biological diversity, Natural diversity. Variety and variability of life on earth. Genetic variability, Species diversity and ecosystem diversity. This year, the theme is Building a sustainable future for everyone. Diversity and co-existence are two sides of the same coin. Can we coexist with diversity? Can we be in harmony with diversities of various kinds? Can we nurture diversity in 7L? life, living, livelihoods, linkages, leading, learning and love? Can we be conscious of variety, variability and idiosyncrasies and work with them, rather than working against them? Simply, can we coexist, flow in the river of life and write the book of life? Because we must.

Do we really want to live long? How long? Can we know how to spend this long life usefully? Do we know how to spend time? Hope we are not finding ways to kill time. It may mean, time is killing us. Can we have a moving body, and a still mind? Can we have both together? Can we have work and rest going in sync? None isn’t good. Only one of them is not good either. Can we do that? Can we be? Can we combine doing and being? Can we dilute having focus? This enhances life, living, leading, and love. This reduces stress and burn-out. Can we assimilate nature’s ways? Can we punctuate outbursts of energy with long spells of calmness? Sleep? Music? With nature? Can we have pauses in the speech? Can we spend time preparing for the outbursts? Can we spend time for renewal, and replenishment on a continuous, continual basis? Feelings? Relationships? Emotions? Can we pause in them? Pauses let us build, revisit perspective(s), meditate and reflect continually. 

13 years to 2035. We have a total of 120,000 hours. Available hours – say, 50,000 hours. A quarter of them – can we have outburst hours of high efficiency and effectiveness – 12,500 hours. 25,000 hours can be pause hours. If we add 1 per 10 hours, we have 1,000+ high-energy givers, taking us to 10 million hours, a minimum. 10x times is possible. Can we try?

Yes, we can. We have effective, efficient 10,000 hours for coexisting co-travel in-nature usefulness. In conversations within and without. If we practice. In the flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of tvaksh towards useful coexistence and co-action – arbudayoga for 7L.


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