Exposure visit
Team Akshara Livelihoods has facilitated this exposure visit for around 30 members of the Puducherry Elders District Level Federation (EDLF), formed by HelpAge India, to Tirupati on the 19th and 20th July 2022. Here, they visited the Milk Pulling Point (MPP), Bulk Milk Cooling Units (BMCU) of Shreeja Mahila Milk Producer Company Limited (Shreeja MMPCL) and also interacted with the staff of head office. Later, our team also facilitated them to understand and process their learnings to replicate this model in their district.
This EDLF had started its path towards entrepreneurship back in 2018 with an exposure visit to a dairy facilitated by Akshara Livelihoods to start a small milk dairy. Fast forward 2 years, around 10 villages of the EDLF are now collecting 300 litres of milk per day and selling it in their villages themselves, leading the EDLF to make a net profit of Rs. 50,000 from this.
After its success, the members now want to expand their business to collect more milk, cool it, sell value-added products, supply it to more villages, etc.
We took up this assignment with the hope that this is the beginning of the rest of their success story!
At Bulk Milk Cooling Units (BMCU) with the members.