Yogakshemam 150822 Amrit Kaal 

President Draupadi Murmu speaks on 75 years of India’s Independence. India’s Journey of the next 25 years, Amrit Kaal. Start-up ecosystem; Digital India; New Education Policy; Home to all; Har Ghar Jal. Bharatiyata. New India. 

Prime Minister speaks from the ramparts of the Red Fort. Grateful to great souls of freedom struggle(s) of centuries, and building the country after independence. It is the beginning of Amrit Kaal. India is aspiring. India has re-awakened. World is looking at India. Amrit Sarovars in every district. Let us work for Panch Pran – five life forces, five vows – Developed India; Freedom from Slavery; Heritage and Legacy; Unity and Solidarity; and Responsible Citizens. Let us see ‘life’ all around. Let us see co-existence all around.  Let us see the universe in life and life in the universe. Absolute truth is one manifested differently. Let us all be happy and healthy. Let there be equity and equality. Can we behave decently and use decent language? Particularly with women. Can we save energy? Water? Can we do natural farming? Can we be local? Can we come self-reliant, aatma nirbhar? Can we be innovative locally? Can we transform education, health and farming, aided by the Digital ecosystem? Naari Shakti will take us forward in the Amrit Kaal. Yuva Shakti will take us forward. Cooperative federalism will take us forward. Can we fight corruption? Can we fight nepotism? Can we move on the journey of Amrit Kaal, at full throttle?

One of our jobs as development lifeworker is to raise funds and resources. We can do this only if we look at the big picture, often. Only if we take a long view. Only if we anticipate unintended consequences, even in the unlikeliest of circumstances. This we can do only when we slip into the shoes of the resource provider. Into their journeys.

Can we commit to a no-zero approach? Can we commit to having no day which does not add to our goal, our ends? Can we have some 20 small little things that we need to keep doing?

We can control our effort, our mindset and our attention. Nothing else. Therefore, can we focus on what we can control? Isn’t it empowering? Is that not wise? Is it not a way to skip frustration? Can we keep doing it? Can we be soft on expectations? Can we be more conservative on expectations? Can we be aggressive in planning, and conservative on expectations? Can we learn to manage expectations? Can we quickly switch gears if we do not have to burden ourselves with expectations? And move on to newer plans of aggression? If we can let go of thoughts. If we can meditate. Daily. At least three times a day. At least 10 minutes each time. 

Can we take a break? Long-break? Some 100-500 hours? To reflect, to regain perspective, to achieve refocus. Can we be idle to be creative? Can we become free from the struggle to survive? Can we recharge our batteries? Can we chill, chill out? Can we spend time with friends and family? Leisurely? Can we delegate and be away, without worrying about what is happening?

Are we living in an artificial, man-made world? Are we living in a transactional world? Can we get more time with ourselves, our families and our friends? Maybe here, we have the ‘natural’ time and energy? Can we increase this? Can we seek solitude? Can we just watch, listen to and absorb the life around us? Can we increase time in nature, with nature, and time with ‘life’? Can we rest and refresh? Can we sleep? Can we listen to children? Can we lie down under a shade? Can we chew some leaves and some fruit? Can we watch an ant? Spider? Bird? Plant? Can we see the divine within, without, around, all around? Can we listen to music? Can we read? Can we write? Can we play with words and numbers? Can we teach children? Can we try a new skill? A new tool?

Yes, we can. Being in amrit kaal. With life. In reflection and meditation. In-nature. In the flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of coexistence co-living co-action with time and energy – amritayoga for 7L.




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