Yogakshemam 310722 Ankuraarpana 

31 July marked the beginning of the rituals of the marriage of Vamsi and Pratyusha, over the next 7-8 days. Towards the beginning of their grihastaashram. It has begun with Ankuraarpana (pasupu, breaking/powdering turmeric). This is followed by preparations for Sangeet. Sangeet is scheduled on 1 August. 2 August, it is Gorintaaku (mehendi). 

3 August, it is mangala snaanam, bridal making (haldi), snatakam (graduation), and Kaasi Yaatra, followed by preparing the groom for marriage (pelli koduku). 

4 August, it is Ganesh Puja, Haarathi, Pradaanam to the bride, vara puja (washing the feet of the groom), accepting kanyaadaanam, pannigrahanam (holding hands), Jilakarra Bellam and Madhuparkam (Jeera+Jaggery on the heads of groom and bride, muhurtam), mangalasutra dharana (three knots), exchange of garlands, and blessings via akshintalu (turmeric coated rice), saptapadi (seven steps around fire), toe rings and black beads to the bride, seeing arundhati and vasistha stars (alcor and mizar) et al. It ends with traditional handover of the bride to the groom’s family (appagintalu). 

5 August, it is satyanaaraayana vratam, followed by a blessing reception (ashirvachanam) in the evening. 6 and 7 August mark the sixteenth-day events. 8 August is the concluding day.

Please plan and join the events of utsavam, vivaaham and aseervachanam during these 7-8 days. Best is to join all the days. Next best is to join for three days – 3-5 August. Third best is 4-5 August. If it has to be a day, choose 4 August, 3 August, or 5 August in that order. 

RS Sodhi becomes President of the India Dairy Association. Congratulations.

Prime Minister calls for the Indian flag in each house, on every handle, and on social medial accounts for the Bharat Swatantrya Amrit Mahotsav, 15 August. Telangana Government wants to have 15-day celebrations and give flags to each household. India also remembers Pingali Venkayya, 146, the designer of the early tricolour of India.

Season of Sports. Chess Olympiad, for the first time ever in India, is going on at Chennai/Mamallapuram (alias Mahabalipuram), from 28 July to 10 August. 186 countries and 188 teams are participating. 162 women sub-teams are participating. XXII Commonwealth Games 2022 is going on at Birmingham from 28 July to 8 August. Cricket India is touring West Indies from 22 July to 7 August. India won ODI 3-0, and T-20 is tied 1-1 right now.

As Telangana formed 13 new mandals, Gundrampally made a bid for it to become a mandal. Meanwhile, West Bengal goes on to add 7 more districts. Now, we are 780 districts in India and more than 7200 blocks/ mandals. We need to move towards 50 states/UTs, 1000 districts, 10,000 rural blocks/mandals and 10,000 urban bodies, and 500,000 GPs and 500,000 urban wards in the next 5-10 years.

The west’s 4 elements and the east’s 5 elements differentiate the west and east’s philosophies and thoughts. The fifth element is space. A space within and a space without. This is making the most differences – earlier and now – materially, intellectually, philosophically and spiritually. The harmony between the seen and the unseen. Between the tangible and intangible. Between the possible and the projection. For individuals, groups and societies. Resultant prosperity with this balance with spirituality, action portfolio with this balance with reflection and meditation, make us happy and at peace with ourselves and all of existence. Even if we do not know why. Can we balance?

We are hard-wired for comparison. With others, others’ lives. It is not easy to get over this tendency. We can choose and redirect this to choose what we want to compare. Can we see meaningful things? Can we see inspirations? Can we see and look at our older selves? Can we see how are we better off from millions? Can we make the choices towards our empowerment?

Yes, we can. Being in coexistence. In balance. In reflection and meditation. In-nature. In the flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of coexistence co-living co-action in balance – samaajayoga for 7L.



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