Yogakshemam 090922 With People in situ

Ganesh Shobha Yatra is ON. Indian political system is gearing up for 2024 Elections.
Remembering Gurus who made all the difference to our lives. Offering saasthang pranams.
Glasnost Perestroika Mikhail Gorbachev;
Prof Abhijit Sen, economist, member – Planning Commission, member National Coalition on Natural Farming NCNF steering committee;
Prof S Parasuraman, Director TISS for 15 years till 2018;
Cyrus Mistry in a road accident;
Queen Elizabeth 2
Liz Truss takes charge as UK’s Prime Minister, and Prince Charles is becoming King Charles 3 and enters Buckingham Palace. Prince William is the next inline.
Rahul Gandhi takes up Bharat (Jodo) Yatra, 150 days, 3500 km, Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Should not we all in public life some way or the other should do similar walks? Walking around, cycling around, going around. Transects. Physical, social, emotional, mental, spiritual. In situ. In time. Through Knowledge, Skills, Tools, Resources LEAPs. Internalizing realities with lenses of relevance and ‘disruption’. Stories, ladders, snakes, conversations and observations with 5-6-7 senses. Can we do 1000 days, 10,000 hours, 100,000 km, most states/UTs, 100 districts/blocks/mandals across ecological zones/situations, 500 organizations and people who are making the difference, 1000 villages, 100,000 people in these villages, towns? Some 100-1000 of us? Next year, next 10 years? Can we plan to begin the first spell/round in the next 3-4 months?
We know. Democracy is the best, if it does not degenerate. Then, we slip into non-democratic system. History tells us this. The way out is we need to be ready with more democratic ways, systems, models so that we go for more democracy, when it does show the signs of likely degeneration. Slightly earlier than this. Best democracy recognizes that each one is unique. Worthy of existence with dignity. With opportunities and space to realize potential. The leader works towards this. This could be tiring, but satisfying. The leader avoids easy ways of being popular. Avoids reaching into others’ pockets. Avoids borrowing recklessly and irresponsibly.
Can we identify a set of burning problems properly and genuinely? Can we get a feasible minimum viable solution to this? Can we get this solution liked by people? Maybe it is a new paradigm. Can we be the service providers? Can we engage people locally? Can we have decentralized solutions? Can we source resources for these?
When we take competent, capable and sincere individuals to do things/take up responsibilities, can we prepare them for these responsibilities? Prepare them enough? Can we prepare our people to their new elevations? Can we assess whether they can handle the pressures and responsibilities of the elevations? Beforehand? Not after joining.
What do we do? Slow down as we are getting grey and old, or Speed up as time is running out? It is always now is the time. The important and significant has to be now always. It cannot wait. How do we make this happen every moment? As intensely as possible. Love, gratitude are in this. They need to be continuously practiced from deep within and without. Not just for our happiness, comfort and wellbeing. For the pain and discomfort and illbeing situation that triggers us to make choices for learning and growing out from these situations. We are grateful to the present for taking us to lessened suffering in the future. We are grateful to the past for being here and now. Can we? For gratitude is the sure way to joy.
Yes, we can. We can be amrit givers and amrit takers. Amrit is in-nature. In the flow of N. For 7L.
Join us in the yoga of amrit coexistence co-living co-action with time, energy in nature – janayoga for 7L.


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