Yogakshemam 221122 Possibilities to start

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Possibilities to start
G Muralidhar
With the support of Livelihoods Team".Superstar Krishna [Ghattamaneni Siva Rama Krishna Murthy, 31 May 1943 – 15 Nov 2022] rests. 350+ films. 

Jammu University wants to have a rigorous PG in Rural Development Management, to produce professionals for Himalayan and other North-west states. Hope it succeeds.

We cannot be happy with examples of successful natural farmers with 365-day multiple green cover here and there. We need to have more of them, with most of the farmers in each village. At least the small and marginal farmers. On all of their farm lands. With deepened practices. They need to consume the produce, the diverse and nutrititious. The surpluses can feed the local value-chains and beyond. Subsidies on chemicals for chemical farming should go. At least, they should be offered as direct benefit transfer to farmers so that they choose what to do with the amount. Best practitioners, farmer entrepreneurs and their enterprises, women collectives with agency are the keys of this transformational journey into the paradigm of natural farming and living with nature. The future for us, for the planet.

This is a movement in the making slowly. For a long-term impact on planetary scale. For a societal paradigm shift. Who will lead this? Where are they? Where are the leading agitators stirring the world’s status quo is not quite right? Persistently, persuasively. Building collective action against the status quo at various levels and situations. Leading innovators? Making solutions, solution portfolios, solution examples customized. Validated, demonstrated on scale. Coalition of support for these solutions. Leading orchestrators? Spreading the solution(s), with its nuances for various hues, coherently. Sustained, expanded, deepened actions in multiple geographies and situations. Inpsirers? Evaneglists? Angels? Supporters?

We need to be cautious in this becoming fragmented agitations with stalled solutions, having tunnel visions with negatives in other dimensions, and/or impractical on ground solutions, becoming a mission drift and mission dilution. Are we agile? Do we continually assess progress and changes in the environment? Do we channel our sources of power and motivations – personal, positional and relational? Do we realize that most of us may not be recognized? May not be acknowledged? Still, do we persist? For a long time, may be a lifetime?

Movements with Pace, Scale and Lasting changes are real and possible. Exponential significant sustainable change is possible. Simple acts, simple calls-to-action with incremental small shifts drive these. Are we simple and incremental? Are we having diverse sets of people, across various contexts, driving the central idea of change in their own ways? Are we harnessing collective energy of more and more larger groups, communities? Are we sharing capabilities, infrastructure? Are we networks, coalitions? Are we having collaborative spaces? Platforms to partner and work together? Without dilution and drift. Are we working on nudging the ecosystem(s) to new ecosystem(s) for sustaining the change? Are we amplifying the benefits of the solutions to more and more people? In Community, Civil Society, State and Market? Are we bringing the people’s agency back? For the people, it matters the most. Are we networking and pooling hands around our shared vision of the movement? Social, societal movement?

What do these leaders and co-leaders need? Learning, upskilling and growing, to unleash higher potential? On an ongoing basis, in everyday work. Do they have time, access and mentoring for this? Do we have mentors for this? Movement within – upwards and laterally? How do we ensure these?

Do we talk too much? Do we talk too little? And do we talk not about the right things? We may do these often. Can we learn to do them more correctly? Can we mentor good number of people who deal with the world correctly, according to the world that is being dealt with. How do we open up open learning, self-learning, assisted learning? How do we mentor having balance of opposing qualities (like string vs flexible, creative vs disciplined, determined vs gentle et al)? Can we practice this balancing?

Everything in this Universe is continuum of energy and matter. Isn’t it? Energy is non-judgmental. Can we embrace and channelise it for love? If we keep quiet, does it not mean anti-love?  Can we weave gratitude into each of our interactions? Unforced, unrestrained giving in every interaction. Can we persist with beginner’s mind? Does not know much. Humble, coachable, flexible. Open. No baggage of the past. Can we ‘let us see what happens’? Can we be ever ready for liberation?

Yes, we can. We begin every minute. To live, lead, learn and love. In the frame of Hope, Faith, Promise, Love and Co-existence. The flow of life, flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of possibilities for coexistence co-living co-action in nature – drstiyoga for 7L.


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