Yogakshemam 021222 Let us ‘be’  

A background of a bee sitting on a pink flower. It has text that reads, "Yoga'kshemam', Let us'be', G Muralidhar, With the support of Livelihoods Team GIZ Round Table on Indo-German AE Light House at New Delhi on 25 November. It released India Food System Vision 2030 Report. It says – Our current food production system is driving the degradation of the natural environment – soil, water and air quality, biodiversity loss and climate change – and dangerously undermining our future well-being. Food systems have huge implications on the livelihoods of a large number of people and hence consequences for inclusiveness as well. It has to be transformed to nourish everyone, producing in harmony with nature in an inclusive manner and equitably, and quickly.

Participated in CEOs’ Conclave at IRMA on National Milk Day remembering Dr Verghese Kurien, 101. A life-long employee of farmers. Social entrepreneur, development worker, and institution builder with no parallel. My initial 3 years post-IRMA were in his teams. His mantra: integrity, and hard  work for HR. Minimal overheads till stabilized. Moderated Social and Development Panel, of 14 persons. See live link

Some 100 days. New portfolio of engagement within and around Hyderabad as the base needs to be evolved.  

Jammu University Department of Lifelong Learning inches forward on field/practice-centric Masters in Rural Development. New course would begin this month.

Natural Farming 2050 Foresight is heading toward conclusion shortly. Mainstreamed default option is natural farming, with lower unemployment and more certain food-nutrition security through local value chains, and agency of women and marginalized farm and farmworker families. Hills and Drylands constituting 50% arable land would lead this revolution. Millets, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, and fruits, integrated with livestock would be front-runners. Following would be reversed.

We expect every one of us to be socially responsible. Corporates are not exempted from this. CSR has been around for a long time. CSR in 2013 Act is a straightforward framework. Instead of 2% of profits, 1% of turnovers could have been a better deal. As per CSR rules, we require just the project name, location, project holder, number of beneficiaries and a Funds Utilization Certificate. Project timeline is limited to 0+3 years. Everything else is part of the ‘development work’ per se, not peculiar to CSR.

Bharat Rural Livelihoods Foundation released Tribal Development Report 2022 (in 2 volumes). Tribal communities are probably the poorest communities in the harshest ecological regions. 257 are tribe districts. 90% of these districts account for 80% of the tribal population.

Complete digital B2B or P2C may appear ideal. The value-chain player is doing a ‘holding’, ‘value-addition’ and ‘intelligence’ operation/service and s/he needs to be rewarded fairly for such service. Therefore, we must see how we substitute P or C ends taking over these services. Are we conscious of these? Are we having the abilities, and skills for these? Are we having the resources for these?  

What are we seeking? Hope we are not into seeking without knowing what we seek. Can we fully enjoy and experience the present, ignoring the undesirable as much as feasible?

How do we scale – more local, more young. Simplify the agenda and downsize the leadership.

Are we familiar with leadership vocabulary? Can we practice? Can we communicate effectively? Can we ensure a clear vision/plan reaching where it matters? Without corruption. Without us being confused. Without our other half not getting confused, not misinterpreting. In the environment and hygiene of communication. Do we do enough homework and preparation before we communicate? Can we prepare for likely questions? Can we avoid using phrases like – I know for sure; no offense; If I were you et al. Can we move to we/us/our? Can we be specific, rather than saying ‘never’/’always’?

Are we conscious notwithstanding whether we are right or wrong – some would misunderstand, and some would appreciate? Particularly when we are at something that goes against the status quo. Here we need to reflect rather than going by limiting ourselves to what others say. Can we?

Yes, we can. We can be in the present fully. To live, lead, learn and love. The flow of life, flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of conscious possibilities for coexistence, co-living, co-action in nature – jaagrtayoga for 7L.


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