Yogakshemam 230223: For Tomorrow

Yogakshemam 230223: For Tomorrow

18 February night is Maha Sivaratri. The day of upavas and jaagaran for the end of the old life and the beginning of the new life. Regeneration.

Nandamuri Tarakaratna, Sadgati. Too young to rest. 🙁

Harsh Mariwala concludes: a leader’s role is not just to make decisions but also to build a culture that allows for the free flow of ideas, and experimentation. It is important to embrace innovation in every aspect. Product, Service, Process, Intelligence, Team, etc.   

Many members of a team continue to follow precedents in process without fully comprehending why they do what they do. There is always an opportunity to improve on the existing processes – better ways are available, or solutions emerged that make these processes redundant, or original situations cause the processes to change.

If we put our best foot forward, the universe will respond. This trust in something larger than ourselves makes us optimistic; allows us to focus on the present; helps us to accept things we cannot change; takes our ego out of us; and makes us happy. A leap of faith takes us forward.

Older generations understand more and younger generations know more. Experience in elders and knowledge in youngsters make them arrogant. Values, understanding, appreciation and respect can seam the old and young together. With lower will and/or strength, elders surrender to the wishes and demands of the youth. If elders can dive in a bit more to be physically fit, mentally fit, intellectually abreast with new, technology and modernity, and spread more understanding, love, patience et al, the youth close in. 

People say generations are 24 years apart. Older generations traversed a significant journey in their life and therefore, their life view tends to be historical and reminiscences. Younger generations have yet to live their life and their life view tends to be futuristic, dreamy, and full of fantasies. This gives rise to a generation gap. Can we merge these two life views? Can we have happiness in appreciating and wanting what we have/ we have got?

Let us be careful. There is no security in our lives from those who want to steal our time, energy, emotion and peace of mind. Let us shield ourselves with extra care. Can we move into messaging, rather than into calls, for example? Creativity is the loss. Productivity is the loss.

Are we not making money from money? Producing wealth on paper without producing any products and any tangible services. We sell words. We sell services that are not needed. We sell junk as worthy products. We sell poison as food and ambrosia. We sell toxins as nutrients. We create demand that is not needed in the first place and we supply. Are we not? We are not looking at the crunch coming. In the crunch, all these do not matter. What matters are real products and real services? Air, water, food, clothes, and shelter. Not plenty, just a minimum. More is harmful and not OK. And less is deprivation, and not OK. Is it not?

Can we sacrifice what we have, what we are for, what we could have and what we could become? Can we lose ourselves? Can we lose our identity that has been built over such a long time? Is it worth it? Are we sure? We can be butterflies only if we sacrifice the caterpillar’s identity. Can we see that we can be butterflies? Without losing our core, and core purpose. Can we take this leap?

Past cannot hurt us any longer unless we let it. Regret, guilt, loss, pain, injustice, victimization et al are anchored in the past. They may be unhappy feelings but of the past. If they are in the present, they will become of the past very soon. Can we stop dwelling there? After we learnt our lessons from the reflection(s). We can choose what we want to become. By thinking about it. Therefore, let us let go. Dump them. Ignore them. Be occupied in the present and future. Can we?

Yes, we can. Butterflies are our potential. We need to transform to coexist, co-journey. The flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of co-transformation coexistence co-living co-action in nature – rachanayoga for 7L.




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