Yogakshemam 210523 Towards Fourth Score

Bees. The ambassadors of pollinators. Pollinators ensure abundance, variety and quality of human food, nutrition, medicines, fuels, fibres et al. They also signal emergent environmental risks and health of local ecosystems. Pollination links ecosystems with production systems and livelihoods. 25,000-30,000 species of bees, moths, flies, wasps, beetles, butterflies, birds, non-flying mammals etc., are part of abundance and diversity of pollinators. The loss of pollinators would lead to exponential biodiversity loss, endangering our ecosystems and diets. Pollination diversity minimizes climate change risks, and ensures/builds eco-resilience.

Biodiversity. The transition that is sought is action. To Action from Agreement to rebuild biodiversity. Variety of plants, animals, microorganisms; genetic diversity within species and diverse ecosystems. Habitat degradation, pollution, and climate crises are taking over a million species into the risk of extinction. Biodiversity depletion poses serious risks to ecosystems, societies and economies. Can we move to natural production and consumption patterns? Can we prioritize nature-based solutions? Can we support indigenous and local communities? Local value-chains?

Let us have Tea. Some Coffee too.

RBI withdraws Rs.2000 Notes. These account for some 10% of all the currency in the country. As a result, we hope some black money will lose currency. When money is hoarded, it is no longer currency. As a corollary, high denomination notes are not actually currency. They are a means to store. When stored, it decreases transactions, economic activities. With e-money transactions down to more than 50% population, notes, particularly high denomination, are becoming less relevant. Do we expect Rs.500 Notes also to go?

Getting close to entering into fourth score. First score was to acquire 3R skills and graduate through village school, gurukulams and a tech school. Second score was to explore, choose, get ‘development practice’ license at an r-management school and k-school and practise 10,000 hours, with collectives, enterprises, civil society, government and bi-lateral/multilateral projects/organizations, movements. Practice 7L – life, living, livelihoods, linkages, leading, learning and loving. Practice development management, leadership and mentoring. Third score was to become a lifeworker to continue practice, practice multiplicity and diversity and mentor taking ‘more’ and more into practice – 7L. Fourth score is to go beyond. To get into the ‘unfinished’ and the manifesto(s), payback, gratitude. 

Let me commit to more discipline in writing. Weekly Yogakshemam. Weekly ‘into the fourth score’. Weekly India 100. Should we go more frequently? More discipline in daily 7R practice. Reading, writing, arithmetic-digital, meditation-reflection, unlearning-learning, practice and pursuit. Can we have more discipline, concentration, and practice to achieve 10,000 hours in 10-15 years, 2-3 hours a day, or 15-20 hours a week?  Can we spend another 10,000 hours with the ‘field’?

Are we mature? Maturity comes with time. Ability to handle situations with wisdom, patience and understanding. The signs of maturity include: 

1 focus on big picture, without getting distracted with small and sundry tasks;

2 value to rest, relaxation, sleep, taking care of the bodies, health and wellbeing; 

3 forgiving others and self; 

4 open-minded, accepting different ideas, perspectives, beliefs and cultures, and learning; 

5 respecting differences and diversity; 

6 let relationships develop naturally and authentically; 

7 accepting and processing emotions, heartaches; 

8 less judgmental; 

9 valuing silence over engaging in non-sensical battles, fights and arguments; and 

10 finding joy and contentment within, rather than without.

Can we move there? 

Yes, we can. In co-existence, with hope, faith, promise, love. For the flow. The flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of 7R-7L in coexistence in nature – ekaagratayoga for 7L.


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