Yogakshemam 300423 Our creative peaks 

Except: Can we be happy? Can we be successful? Can we be happy and successful? Can we be somebody socially and nobody personally at the same time? Can we remain unattached? Can we become a nobody?

Hyderabad now hosts the tallest Ambedkar statue. 125ft. Vijayawada is getting ready to host one more soon. 

Statistics say that we are the most populous country in the world now, followed by China. 144 Crore population. The majority of them are working-age people. Probably with low education, high unemployment and lack of job creation.  Only 20% of techies produced every year get jobs. We have people with no jobs and we have jobs with no people.

Acharya Ravva Srihari rests – 22 April.

I also remember ‘Joy’ – Sanjoy Ghose. 

Managing Director, Amul, Jayen posts on 1 May: This marks the beginning of the 33rd year with Amul. Amul’s turnover is now more than Rs.72,000 Crore. India sets up a separate cooperation ministry – for sahakar se samruddhi. More cooperatives to come. These include 2.0 lakh new dairy cooperatives. Natural Farming collectives will not be less in number in due course.

The Future of Jobs report confirms a net negative employment outlook globally. It offers scope for shaping the future of work for better employment prospects.

Ranjani Murthy indicates the beginning of gender-transformative programs, grounded on the principles of equity, non-intersectional discrimination, human rights, and justice.

A new 4-year Natural Farming course is on its way. 1:5 mentor-student ratio. 75% with 60% practice modules. History begins with the first mentors’ pre-course. 30 April.

At 60, do we become more creative? Is it true that as we age, left and right brains become harmonious to expand our creative possibilities? How is it that a slower brain gains flexibility? Does our intellectual activity peak at 70? Is myelin in the brain increasing as we age and neurons getting signals faster (rather more rapidly) and making our abilities three times on average? Do we use 2 hemispheres of the brain at the same time after we cross 60? Do we, therefore, solve complex problems better and faster? Does our brain take low-energy paths quickly to arrive at the right options?

Neurons remain active and connections between them remain active if we engage in mental work. Can we move away from an overabundance of information? Can we lead a healthy life, & lifestyle? Can we be mobile? Can we be fully active? Can we keep learning new crafts, music, painting, and dancing? Can we meet and communicate with people? Can we continue to plan for the future? Can we keep travelling? Can we ‘participate’ more? Then, our abilities keep growing to peak at 80 or so. Is life not a limitless portfolio of possibilities?

At our best, our creativity, intuition, intelligence, etc, just flow through us. Can we be clear that no world will stop for us? No one depends on us desperately. We are not indispensable. We are dispensable. Easily dispensable. Aren’t we?

Can we be happy? Can we be successful? Can we be happy and successful? Can we be somebody socially and nobody personally at the same time? Can we remain unattached? Can we become a nobody? With nothing? Slave, Rishi, or a nobody with no attachments to achievements, possessions, etc., or a nobody with the recognition that we are truly nobodies? The world existed before us, much before, and will exist much after us. This realization humbles us. We are at once liberated to pursue and cherish life, living, leading, learning, and loving. 

How can we continue the same things again and again, and expect different results, and different experiences? How can we be in auto mode? Is tenacity insanity? If our actions have the potential to get the desired results. But, why do we think this would happen? We need to have a rational basis for this. Yet, we would have surprises in our journey toward the end. Each surprise may take us to underestimate the effort for the journey or we underestimate ourselves, or we overestimate. Can we drop these expectations to be present fully and aware? Truthfully? Can we be ready to tackle whatever comes our way?

Yes, we can. Offering hope with faith. Promise with love. In coexistence. In the flow. The flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of flowing for learning, doing and being in coexistence in the nature – veniyoga for 7L.





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