More than 13.13 lakh women and girls went missing in India between 2019 and 2021, of…
Month: July 2023
Livelihoods Update: 28 July 2023
The Union Government’s total spending on publicity was Rs. 1179.16 crore in 2018-19 (the year of…
Livelihoods Update: 27 July 2023
Higher involvement of women in agricultural decision making enhances crop diversity, crop nutritional value and soil…
Livelihoods Update: 26 July 2023
India needs 1.32 million charging stations by 2030, to fulfil the Rapid Adoption of Electric Vehicles:…
Livelihoods Update: 25 July 2023
The Food and Agriculture Organisation has launched its Action Plan to execute the Strategy on Climate…
Livelihoods Update: 24 July 2023
Aspirational districts are doing more poverty alleviation than the state average in 21 out of 24…
Livelihoods Update: 21 July 2023
44% of sitting MLAs have criminal cases filed against them, and 28% have a history of…
Livelihoods Update: 20 July 2023
India loses GDP growth rate of 0.56%, due to rising PM 2.5 air pollution: ‘Air Pollution…
Livelihoods Update: 19 July 2023
India ranks 1st in terms of death due to road accidents, with 1.5 million people dying…