Flow relays 121123

Market affects us – producers, service providers and consumers. The bulk of the chain is pocketed by intermediaries for the ‘value-added’ in the chain. If they take fair compensation for the value-add, there is no complaint. Quite often it is not the case. This calls for producers going to the right in the chain, and/or consumers going to the left. Or their groups, collectives. If the chain is local, it is easy to do this.

Most of us entrepreneurs, leaders, resource managers are relentlessly pursuing our visions, even if the resources are lacking. Time, energy, and talent is in short supply. Can we have plans and be strategic in seeing the progress of the plans? Can we communicate to realize the plans? Using media, including social media? Meaningfully. Can we invest time in appreciating ladders and snakes that help/come in the way of our vision(s)? Can we invest time to create new ladders, to tackle the snakes? Daily. Can we invest time to reach out? Write plans and proposals? Articulating how we reached here till now and how we are going forward? Do we have documentation, and due diligence documentation? How do we sync activities-budgets? How do we remain updated, up-to-date, and on time? Ready? How do we drive our enterprises with the dreams, and emotions of the world? 

Do we have some values, principles, and non-negotiables, to lead our lives? If we have, they characterize us. Can these principles include: natural, local, and open? Beyond hope, faith, promise, love and coexistence? Do we recruit ‘people’ first and then inculcate the ‘culture and values’ or do we identify people appropriate for our ‘culture and values’ first and then rope them in? At first, it can be costly and fruitless. Secondly, it may take lots of time in onboarding people. What do we do? Values come to us very early. We take longer, say 5-15 years, to acquire behavioural competencies. Changing values requires a huge effort, time and resources. And still we would not be sure. Merit, qualifications, and experience in the past may not deliver the present and the future. Present passion, commitment, plans for efforts, efforts, and values deliver the present and maybe the future. 

If we are there in spirit, if we have spirit, we can acquire information, knowledge, tools, skills and other resources and we can deliver the future. We need to identify our associates, peers, partners, teams, and organizations only by this yardstick. Isn’t it? Can we? Can we inculcate this spirit, if the values are right? Can we discard the ones without this spirit, if values are not right?

We need food, water, and air for our bodies. Ideas, observations, analytics, and emotions for our minds and hearts. Our internal well being comes from what we see, watch, observe, listen, talk, smile, smell, touch, play, think, feel, read, analyze, write, reflect, emote et al. Therefore, can we choose these? Can we change our environment, ecosystem of being? Can we change what we consume through our senses? Including sixth and seventh senses.

This society, this world, disables many of us as we grow up. We need to live, thrive despite these disabilities, and shortcomings. We start with what we have. Our abilities. Resources. Solving problems, challenges, limitations, disabilities, gaps are the next level issue. We would work on gaps. We would find supplements and complements to plug the gaps. We would go to the market to meet our gaps and needs. To make available to meet the gaps and needs of others around us. First we meet idiosyncratic mutual needs. Then, covariant collective needs. From collective resources. From aggregated individual resources. From sourced resources. Earned, exchanged, and purchased. In the process, can we retain equity, trust, and responsibility? Hope, faith, promise, love, and care? Can we be one, at heart? In mind? As a team-group? Can we coexist from deep within? Can we live, learn, love, serve and lead?

Yes, we can. If we flow. The flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of one in harmony with the nature – krsnakrsnayoga for 7L.





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