Farmers’ Day. Day of the majority of Indians. Should we go towards making them under a single digit percent, like in the west? Should we go towards making them better than the majority, in terms of well-being, prosperity, diversity, health, portfolio, hope, faith, and promise? Can we talk pro-sumption, payments for eco-stem services? Can we talk about self-sufficient families, villages, and local areas? Circularity, and Economics? Can we talk swaraj? For farm families, farmworker families, artisanal families, fisher families, dairy and livestock families, etc.
Do we need to model NF Food System and try sensitivity analysis of some identified key model parameters – say 100? Can we have a team on this? Is this a possibility? Why not?
Are we on track, in defining the ends, and carving out the means to reach these ends? Do we have clear specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound ends, and quantitative and qualitative indicators that act as proxies for these ends? That can be done with extremely limited datasets? Are we budgeting enough time, energy, efforts, capacities-abilities, independent partners, HR and funds? Plans and revisits for the same? For good quality robust data, data analysis, and synthesis? For good case studies representing the progress towards the ends? For engaging multiple key stakeholders from the beginning? For not ignoring the findings from observations and analytics so arrived.
15% of us are gig workers, and growing. Is it really possible for us to be free, and work whenever we want, wherever we want? Can we be gig workers, and have a decent living, multiple work portfolio with flexibility embedded, and high compensation? Can this be a career? Can we be transported upwards in this journey? Risks, uncertainties, how are they handled? Rarely any lasting relationships, and friendships? Long hours? Is it possible to hybridize gig work with human touch, face and orchestra? Maybe, if we rejig. If we build our abilities. If we pool ourselves into gig team(s). If we simplify our lives.
Greater the outward show, greater the inner poverty. Interesting – poor may not like to show.
Do we understand systems, especially public systems? From seeing how they work on the ground, how the idea gets processed to reach the ground. From planning to taking to the logical end to tracking, and dashboard. Do we know how to change these, when required? Facilitating changes in these? Do we know how to go about understanding, figuring out the changes required, influencing towards these changes, politicizing for these changes, triggering these changes, introducing change makers, visioning the changed systems, working for the changed system through available ladders, escaping the snakes, via an indicative activity mapping? Do we know how to campaign for changes in the structures, mindsets, cultural practices, behaviours, allocating time, energy, talent and funds? Do we know how to build the movements for the change? And sustain, with extreme resistance and non-cooperation. Global movements at local levels. Can we make them happen in viral mode, deep, and scale?
Can we have a personal philosophy of usefulness? Sense of purpose, well-calibrated internal compass? Non-negotiable principles-values? Can we take the feed forward from a short group that matters to us and they value us, our direction at large? For pushing ourselves to the limits of our possibilities. Can we write our individual, collective end smart goals clearly, with indicators, activities that take us there? Can we set time, energy to: track, reflect, prepare, replan et al? Can we pursue diligently day-in day-out? Identifying the ladders and stitching them together. Crossing, skipping, escaping and killing the snakes. At work, in teams, at home, within ourselves. Giving the space to the emotions to express themselves but getting over them. Seeing the world around us, meditating, being in nature, watching the ‘life’ around us. They all tell us life goes on. Time goes on. We go on. We flow. There is no other way to be. Can we hasten slowly? Can we embrace the journey(s) towards these? Can we?
Yes, we can. If we do not stop. If we be, give, love. In the nature, and flowing. In the flow of N. For 7L.
Join us in the yoga of internal compass in nature and with the people – drikyoga for 7L.
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