Wise teams 261123

Manoharan, 57 is in our thoughts everyday. He is our companion into eternity. Dr VK, 102, continues to mentor us.

Philanthropies have called for an increase in funding for regenerative and agroecological transitions in farm-food-fibre systems including crops, fodder, trees, livestock, fisheries, etc. Ten-fold increase. Estimated costs of global transitions is about USD 400 Billion/year. The current funding level is about USD 40 Billion/year. If we do this, 50% of food would be ‘natural’ by 2040, and most would be ‘natural’ by 2050. More stable yields, more crop resilience, more incomes to farmers, better nutrition, food security and enhanced biodiversity. On the other hand, global farm subsidies are about USD 600 Billion/year. 60% of these subsidies are considered harmful and work against these transitions. We are at a critical juncture. We cannot wait. We need deep workable collaborations at various levels, farmers, farm-food workers, consumers, researchers, learning facilitators, academies, universities, extension departments, collectives and other stakeholders. 

In this context, COP 28 – 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, is being held from 30 November until 12 December 2023 at Dubai. 197 Parties (countries) come together to agree on policies to limit impact associated with climate change including temperature rises. 

We all want wisdom beyond knowledge, information and data, to guide us. Collective wisdom. Do we have such a thing called collective wisdom? Can we have convergence of deeper insights and perspectives? Based on experience, insights and expertise of the large number of perceptive and intuitive people. Do we have such people? Can we be these people? Can we have ways to unfold the wisdom from multiple perspectives, and intuitive opinions of multiple people? No single expert is better than this. Collective judgement is generally better than individual judgement. If we are able to pool up a group, or a team. Diverse rationality, independent thinking, and decentralized pools closer to the ground, and aggregation of locally acquired knowledge at higher levels take us to collective wisdom. PK+OK+OK+? People’s knowledge (aggregated), Our knowledge (aggregated), Outside knowledge (aggregated), unexplored (?) takes us to collective wisdom. Diverse groups are more intelligent than the individuals, by and large. Together, we can do much. Can we be together, in thinking, analysing, planning, doing, tracking et al? As a team doing diverse things together.

People by and large are good, sincere. We want to do good. We want to achieve. We want to lead a good life. We want to live well. We want to have a decent livelihoods portfolio. We want to link with the world, through their networks, and relationships. We want to lead ourselves, our followers, our teams, and our seniors. We want to learn. Unlearn, reflect, learn, and re-learn. We want to love, and care. We do not know how to go about this, yet. We struggle. We burn our time and resources to move on in these struggles. We succeed, we fail. We gain experience. We pick up courage to face the challenge(s). We figure out these challenges wrongly. ON wrong premise(s). We place deliberate or unintended blocks ourselves in our paths. We continue to struggle with these challenges. Can we see through this? Can we support ourselves and our associates in seeing these blocks and minimising them? For this, do we have ‘leadership’ within us? Can our leadership styles be in sync with the style of the team, and organization?  Can the strategies, structures, and systems of our teams, and organizations do this? Should be doing. Can we help in this? Because we want to go far. We have to go together. Can we?

Do we have our vision, values and ways, and do we know as a team journeying together? Can we discuss what can go wrong, and plan ways to skip, jump, overcome, and kill these? Can we discuss what takes us there, and plans to latch on, use these? Can we build our teams? Are we credible in building our teams? Social teams? Purposeful teams? Reflective useful teams? 

Yes, we can. If we continue to lead life, living, linking, learning and loving, and flowing. The flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of leading lives in the lap of nature – manoharayoga for 7L.



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