Livelihoods Update: 11 September 2023

Jan Dhan, Aadhaar, and Mobile systems have played critical roles in raising India’s financial inclusion rate…

Connect intensely 030923

Teaching is engagement with learners to enable their understanding and application of knowledge, (language, numbers, logic,…

Livelihoods Update: 8 September 2023

56% of new internet users in India will be from rural India by 2025: TransUnion CIBIL…

Practise portfolio 270823

Most distinguished mathematician and statistician of India, CR Rao, 102, rests. He, with 39 Doctorates, was…

Livelihoods Update: 7 September 2023

India is among the top 5 economies in the world, racing towards achieving net zero emissions:…

Livelihoods Update: 6 September 2023

India’s per capita coal emissions have grown by 29% in the past 7 years: Changes in…

Livelihoods Update: 5 September 2023

Meta is collaborating with the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Skill Development, to train students,…

Livelihoods Update: 4 September 2023

Where there is extreme weather, there is a higher chance of child marriages, early marriages and…

Practise leading relentlessly 200823

Sadgati to Dr Bindeswar Pathak, 80. Founder-Sulabh International. A legendary sanitation icon. Missionary Social Entrepreneur. Manish…

Livelihoods Update: 30 August 2023

Due to PM 2.5 pollution, Indians have lost 5.3 years of their life on average since…