Yogakshemam 250623 Life skills  

Monsoon reaches Hyderabad after a full fortnight delay. Finally. It arrives early in Delhi.  AMUL Advertiser…

Livelihoods Update: 27 June 2023

The Agriculture Ministry is working with Pixxel Space India to use advanced satellite imaging technology for…

Agriculture labour: A nutty harvest

  ID: A male and a female farmer are harvesting groundnuts.      Click here for…

Livelihoods Update: 26 June 2023

States spent only 76.2% i.e. Rs. 5.71 lakh crore of capital expenditure total target of Rs.…

Livelihoods Update: 23 June 2023

Due to the Central Government blocking MGNREGS funds to West Bengal, 13 million West Bengal workers…

Livelihoods Update: 22 June 2023

Maharashtra Government advises farmers to stop sowing kharif crops till the state receives 80-100mm of rainfall,…

Agriculture labour

  ID: A farmer is carrying a heap of produce in a basket on his head.…

Livelihoods Update: 21 June 2023

India improved by 1.4% points over last year to achieve 127th rank as compared to 135th…

Livelihoods Update: 20 June 2023

Use 70% of MGNREGA funds to create assets in 49% poor and water-deficient blocks: Government Panel…

Yogakshemam 180623 Collective intelligence 

Badly delayed monsoon. Dryspell continues. Elders are succumbing. Cyclone Biparjoy made landfall in Gujarat on 16…