People move 110324

Ravichandra Ashwin takes 9 wickets in his 100th Test. India wins the series with England, 4-1.

Electoral Bond details are coming out. Majority by BJP. Two new Election Commissioners are on their way in. More alliances are in making. Some are breaking. Some are realigning. Opinion Polls give out opinions. Indicative, random, calibrated, and manipulative.

NITI for States platform has been launched, for use at centre, state, district and block levels. Hope it will be credible. Relevant, and contextual. Collaborative. Comprehensive. Catalytic. Can this really become digital public infrastructure for good governance? Can AI help?

The news that is making rounds is that Reliance’s Ananth Ambani engages with Radhika Merchant. Who’s-who was there at JamNagar. Bill Gates too was there. The Prime Minister has time to talk to him for more than an hour. Met Naveen Patnaik. Met a variety of stakeholders. Saw Patel’s statue – the Statue of Unity – the tallest statue anywhere.

Hunter-gatherers, nomads, have taken to agriculture. As we know today, agriculture has taken not less than 15,000-50,000 years to develop into an intensive fixed-field agriculture to support the ‘consumers’ without production on their own. And another 4,000 years to spread in the world. Domestication of trees, animals got added up. Deforestation started. Degeneration of ecosystems. Rivers changed their courses. Cities came. ‘Civilization’. Elites started emerging. Temples became central. Populations burgeoned. Carrying capacities of local environments were breached. Most cities collapsed in a few generations. Migrations, and new cities. Conquering new territories, enslaving labour or workforce. Kingdoms emerged. Kings as demigods. Most women were brought into indoors. Constrained, silenced, and devalued. Malnourishment, injuries from work for non-elite, outside the city walls. Nomads outside were displaced, or absorbed. Agriculture on scale brought famines. Related suffering of high magnitude. Dying young. Got into traps, and progress traps. Fixes started failing. Complex solutions to problems to complex problems, more complex solutions and so on, leading to vulnerability to collapse. More conquests. Expansion of kingdoms. New nations expanded identities. Colonialism, capitalism, fossil economies and consumerism. Moved to industrial revolution/wave, from the agriculture wave. Then to bio-technology, and IT wave. Can we see the movement over thousands of years? Systematic taking over by the elite. Acceptance of inequity. Divine justice. Power rules the powerless. Can we see? 

We have three types of leaders amongst us – those who stand in-front; those who stand behind; and those who stand next to. Visionary, transformative, servant, transactional and so on. For example, visionary leaders lead from the front, lead by example; servant leaders lead from the back; and mentor-participatory leaders lead from the side. We combine these three types and go forward with this portfolio, changing style and mode, based on the need.

Can we stop doubting our abilities, direction, means and ends? Can we develop belief in ourselves, and our people? Can we see and articulate our strengths, our weaknesses to seed and nurture hope of possibilities? Aspirations? Can we manage our boundaries? Do we have a framework for going forward? Can we find our black swans? Can we extend our ‘support’? Can we be with our drivers, real? Can we go the body way, heart way, mind way, and soul way? Macro way, Micro way, and micro-macro way?  

Yes, we can. If we get going. If we go to the people, they take us. In the flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of back to serving nature – sanghayoga for 7L.


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