Teams come 290224

Notwithstanding yatras, walks, talks, real, unreal promises, manifestos, et al, Modi is winning this 18th edition of General Elections with absolute majority. 60% seats in Lok Sabha. We are about 150 Crore in India, and two-thirds of us, 18+ years, are voters. 100 Crore. 70%, which is not very bad, is the voting percentage. It is higher in rural areas. A typical candidate wins with 40% vote share. This translates as 28% in a constituency. Winning coalition/party, with 60% seats, would be getting 17% of votes of India. 83% of voters have alternative opinions. :). Opposition coalition would be getting, even in the worst drubbing, not less than 14%. Some 10% may be looking for a third alternative. Still, 60% voters of India are looking at alternatives beyond these and do not know how to express, how to fructify, so on and so forth. 

A mere 5-10% voters of India are deciding who governs us. Interestingly, these are not the traditional vote banks of these coalitions. These are the floating voters. 5 Crore, maybe 10 Crore. Quite a proportion of them are young and new voters. Most others – rational voters, emotionally turned around voters; old but reluctant, not-so-interested voters, who may like to turn up; ‘managed’ voters, votes; ‘got influenced’ voters. This set needs to be worked on. A 5-year framework is needed for this. Smart, inclusive, collective hard work. Starting now. Our landscape, our reality is very different from the realities one generation ago. New needs, paradigms, crises, technologies, modes, media. Freedom, security, and individuality. Reduced attention spans. Increased paces. Local centricity. Restlessness. Quick and aggressive pursuit of aspirations, and viral results. Concerned yet no time to go the path all the way. Crumbling foundations and new ‘rooms’ of work. For more and more democracy. More. More spheres. More levels. Even if it appears redundant.

A new dispensation, Modi Next in 2029. Not me-too dispensation. New dispensations across various states. For setting Amrt Kaal new direction. Individual (per capita level) well-being, prosperity, education, employment – agency of the vulnerable, fragile and marginalized – individuals, communities, groups, areas, regions. Local, Customized, Communitized, Decentralized people’s rule. With agency – ability, intent and space. Climate and life resilience. Systems, rather than lobbies. Public accountable institutions at various levels. More compact workable size states, territories, regions, districts, blocks, panchayats, with mandates and budgets. Social, cultural, economic, literary, linguistic, and resource diversity intact in being federally together. One Nation. Policy dialogue, policy formulation dialogue culture intact. In the most populous country. In the soon would-be third largest economy. In the trusteeship of better Natural India to NextGen.

We are led, we serve, and we lead. We are leaders. Not all powerful. Not all-knowing. But open, honest, inclusive, resilient (not giving up), and kind. With all our imperfections and vulnerabilities. With hope, faith, promise, love and coexistence. Creative and risk-taking. Reflective, Teamplay, Active listening, unlearning-learning. Can we be? Can we appreciate our circles of control, influence, escape and concern? Can we plan and do things which we control, exert influence on items which we can help to change, avoid ‘snakes’, and accept that we have to live with, rather than worried, and stressed? Can we do CIAA (Control-Influence-Avoid-Accept)? Can we maximize making a difference? Can we focus on optimizing time and energy deployment? Can we lead ourselves, our lives, our resources, our teams, and our worlds?

We change because we want to change. Our behaviour changes because we want to change our behaviour. Nothing else matters. Can we change? Can we change ourselves to be led, serve and lead, usefully with humility? Inclusive? Diversity, Dialogue, and Team(s) intact? Can we?

Yes, we can. For change within, without, local multiple self-rule systems, on scale. In the flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of change for coexistence in nature – brndayoga for 7L.


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