Change orchestration 120424

Ramzan. The end of the one month of Ramzan fasting.

Manifestos are being released. Congress’s Nyay Patra is out. BJP will do it in a day or two. NDA and INDIA – will they release their common programmes? Will they be disseminated? Will they reach the voters? Will the voters care to know? Will there be any guarantees that they would be done? Will the voters’ votes be based on these? 

Will we get targeted support to build the agency of the poor-vulnerable-marginalized? Will we have gurukulams for all children? Will we have scientific temper in our curriculums? Will we have a library in every habitation/panchayat? Can our senior citizens get decent amounts of pension? Will we have universal healthcare? Primary medicare? Will we have cash transfers to families so that absolute abject poverty need not be endured? Will we have decent minimum wages to all who work? Will we have freedom to live, express, associate, and access our rights? Will we have work engagement for all who are willing to work? Will we have unstinted support for N-living, farming, and value-chains? Will we have more small, smaller governance units – states (50), districts (1000), blocks (10,000), and panchayats (500,000)? Will we have more inclusion, increased equity, justice, and support for diversity? Will we have support for decentralized local governance, localization, customization, collectivization, and communitization in as many aspects as possible? Will we have second/third generation reforms? Will we be free, free from fear, free from poverty, free from suffering, free from ignorance, free from lies, free from chaos and confusion, and free from darkness?

Can we really see change? Exponential change. Systems change. Can we be the change makers, and orchestrators? Can we connect dots, partners, ecosystems, efforts, resources, infra and nudge them forward? Can we be with them? Can we support, help, and enable them? Can we flow, journey and travel with them? In the first place, can we discover them? Can we nurture them?

We are urbanizing fast. In 25 years, we will be 80% urban. The urban load on the ground is increasing to sink the cities. The estimate is that the material weight is higher than the weight of all living things in the urban areas. We need to have less material, lighter materials, less partitions, and less doors. Can we?

Can we have our external eyes and ears? Mentors offer these to see our complete reality. Can we prepare well and be ready to have our mentors? Can we also be mentors to the ready mentees? Can we?

Can we be kind? It helps us. Can we take charge of our lives? Meaningful, useful, and fulfilling lives. Can we gain agency in our lives, purposes, relationships, learning and all related aspects? Can we know and work on our ladders, and work around our snakes? Can we be curious enough to know what is happening around us? Can we live in the now, while we pursue our ends, without being attached to the means and not even the ends? Ends can change. Means change inevitably. Can we recognize and detach from ego trips? Can we meditate, reflect and be mindful about our body, thoughts, feelings, words, and actions? For presence, stillness, clarity, and peace. Can we be in nature? In sync with nature. Simply. Can we accept and surrender to the universe of present and possibilities? Can we care for ourselves? Can we release ourselves from secrets? Can we forgive, and grieve without holding ourselves? Let us transcend our hurts, fears, anxieties, shames, and guilts. Can we stop overthinking? Can we trust our deeper intuitions? We are here to live. Can we have hope, faith; offer promise, love; and coexist cherishing each moment?

Yes, we can. If we flow together usefully in nature’s symphony. In the flow of N. In parinaamayoga for 7L.


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