In the flow 140424



INC, BJP Manifestos: Nyay Patra, Sankalp Patra. Other parties may release their manifestos soon. Common Programmes of NDA, and INDIA are still awaited. 

Is our GDP growing at 8%? Are we achieving doubling of incomes? Only a GDP growing at 14-15% would double the incomes and average per capita in 5 years. Are we going to get this growth rate? If equitable growth is not happening, then we need higher growth rate or more years. The growth itself will not happen without accumulation of results with a smaller portion of the population. 1% families have 20%+ income, and 40%+ wealth of the country. 80%+ of the unemployed are youth. 65%+ school leavers, 30%+ graduates are unemployed. Who will give them jobs? Who will make them self-employed or entrepreneurs with decent incomes? 

Highest 10% get incomes of Rs.20,000+ per month. This is a troubling low figure. 60%+ people need a public food system ration. This is a troubling high figure. Can we move into earning and living, rather than living off capital? Can we see ecosystems against pooling/accumulating capital by not-so-legal, or ethical ways? Can we tax the super rich, maybe the top 1000, or 10,000 of them? Can we invest in knowledge-skills-resources for half of India on priority? Can we invest in universal health, education, and minimum wages for all? Can we have ‘transfers’ for the decent living standards of the poor? Can we decentralize and devolve to local governments really, and fully? Can we really support the agency of the poor, vulnerable, marginalized and women?

Are we fine with working from home, hybrid, and flexi-times? This is the confirmed preference for the younger half of the workforce in jobs, and/or the gig workers. Remote work and collaborative work patterns; we need to learn and cope with.

Data for all is a long way to go. Data of all is a huge privacy and misuse/abuse risk. Can we use simulated data? In the volumes as near to the size of our populations? Representative samples would work. Will AI tools, systems can go in a simulation way? If yes, modellers and simulators matter in the emerging future. Are we getting ready?

We are leaders. Leaders need not be extroverts. Ideal leaders are invisible catalysts, inspirers, role models, vision usherers, boundary setters, and value custodians. A thinking introvert may be better than a vocal extrovert. Most of us are competent, conscientious people and we do not need management, we need vision, and direction. As we age, we start valuing little things – time, sleep, diet, walk, conversations, entertainment et al. Critically, ‘simple’, and ‘humble’ become the end. Can we see this?

Can we learn when to delegate and when to take things into our hands? We can let go of what we can do with very minor oversight effort. We need to have strategic lenses to quickly learn new areas which we do not know. Can we acquire these lenses? Strategy, Integration, Systems, and Scale lenses. Depth versus breadth. In all this, time, energy, and efforts matter. Can we master these? Can we have key associates to manage these? So that we are more in the leading domain, rather than in the managing domain.

When are we walking? In the hills, valleys, forests, on the coasts, and on the river banks? River parikramas? Going around the rivers, lakes, and seas? Seeing their play. Going into people across? 10,000 hours. Can we?

Yes, we can. If we flow together usefully in nature’s company. In the flow of N. In samsiddhiyoga for 7L.


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