Flow offerings 080524

Polls in progress: Phase 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Scorching heat is taking lives. My childhood classmate Sattaiah succumbed. Wish sadgati to him.

Classmate, roommate Subbu [Dr T Subramanyeswara Rao] is celebrating his shasthipurthi anniversary.

What is the good way forward for assessing the interventions? Randomized control trials may be insufficient; may not be right. In the beginning vs now, they may not be sufficient. Treatment vs control may not be sufficient. Are we heading towards mixed methods – drawing and guessing attribution and contribution? Qualitative and quantitative changes. Triggers and effects. 

Gurudev, Viswakavi, Rabindranath Tagore – Gitanjali. 103 small song offerings get Nobel. Probably the first time a poet got a Nobel. Can we reach and lose in the innermost? Can the innermost do the needful? 

“You have made me endless…At the immortal touch of your hands, my little heart loses its limits in joy and gives birth to utterance ineffable…I ask for a moment’s indulgence to sit by your side…you keep company with the poorest, lowliest, lost [can I keep company with you?]…tattered, stained …in  toil and in sweat… but this meeting is not yet…my eyes have seen, my ears have heard… perfect sweetness has blossomed in the depth of my own heart….gates are open.. do not pass by like a dream…why do I ever miss… whose breath touches my sleep…my debts are large, my failures great, my shame secret and heavy, yet….I lose sight of my true being….

Your love is greater… you keep me free… your love still waits for my love….I may feel you on every side, come to you in everything, and offer you my love every moment.. I may be bound by your will and your purpose is carried out… where the mind is led forward into ever-widening thought and action – into that heaven of freedom, let my country awake…..

Give me the strength to surrender my strength to your will with love… my precious sleep only waits for the touch to vanish; my closed eyes would open their lids only to the light of the smile…. I bitterly wept and wished that I had had the heart to give you my all….You have taken me as your partner, for endless play of your delight, for shaping my life with your will…your love loses itself in the love of your lover, to see the perfect union…let all the strains of joy mingle ….my heart has touched your feet….when I kiss your face to make you smile, I understand …I may never lose the bliss of the touch of the one in the play of many…..you give yourself to me in love and then feel your own entire sweetness in me….with the tune of you and me, all the air is vibrant, and all ages pass with the hiding and seeking of you and me….

The innermost one awakens my being with deep hidden touches …at whose touch I forget myself….in many a rapture of joy and of sorrow…time is endless in yor hands.. you know how to wait… feeling that I have no time to lose, I hasten in fear, yet I the end I discover there is time, and you are waiting with all smiles… you reward me with your grace…all that I am, that I have, that I hope and all my love have ever flowed towards you in depth of secrecy, one final glance from your eyes, my life will be ever yours own….

I have got my leave, I am ready for my journey, with empty hands, expectant heart, with harp of my life, tuning to the notes of forever…you sit there smiling…let all my songs gather together their diverse strains into a single current and flow to a sea of silence in one salutation to you….”

Can the innermost take charge? Can the universe conspire? Can we journey around servicing, being useful?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, co-think, co-act and flow in N? In krsnaanjaliyoga for 7L.


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